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“削藩”一词,源于汉景帝时晁错献上的《削藩策》.其宗旨归结为一句话即削除地方势力,加强中央集权.这一政策被中国历代皇帝奉为施政之宝.作为法西斯独裁统治者的蒋介石当然也不例外.对他来说,地方实力派和共产党一样都是心腹之患.他多次处心积虑削藩,铲除异己.在历次削藩中,最具有决定意义的是在1928—1932年进行的. The term “cutting fan” derives from the “policy of cutting the sword” provided by Chao Cuo when Emperor Han Jingdi was declared, and its purpose is summed up as a sentence which means that the local forces are eliminated and the centralization of central power is strengthened, a policy enshrined by the emperor of ancient China as a tool of governance. Chiang Kai-shek, a fascist dictatorship, was certainly no exception. For him, local power groups, like the Communist Party, were confidants who repeatedly tried their best to eliminate feuds and eliminate dissidents. The most decisive of the previous cuts were 1928-1932 years.
【正】 价格违法案件检查难、处理难已成为物价监督检查工作的突出问题。难在哪里?又该如何解决呢?笔者拟就这两方面问题谈点粗浅认识和看法。 一、查处价格违法案件的难点所
【正】 我国现行医疗制度对保障职工身体健康,提高人民身体素质曾经发挥了重要作用,但存在一些缺陷,由于对供需双方缺乏制约机制,浪费严重,医疗保障覆盖面窄,部分经营困难企