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并联谐振原理如图1所示,并联回路两支路的感抗和容抗分别为X_L和X_c,当X_L=X_c时,回路产生谐振。这时,虽然两个支路的电流都很大,但回路的总电流I≈0,X_c上的电压等于电源电压。利用这个原理,可以解决 The principle of parallel resonance is shown in Figure 1. The inductance and capacitance of the two branches of the parallel circuit are X_L and X_c respectively. When X_L = X_c, the loop resonates. At this time, although the current of both branches is very large, the total current of the loop is I≈0 and the voltage at X_c is equal to the supply voltage. Use this principle, you can solve
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