坚持以工兴县 加快县域突破

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永吉县位于吉林省中东部,幅员面积2625平方公里。辖6个乡、6个镇和1个省级经济开发区,217个行政村,总人口41万。长期以来,人们对永吉县情的概括是:“农业大县、工业小县和财政穷县”。在县域经济构成中工业比重较小,并且没有骨干企业和独具特色的拳头产品。由于工业弱小,导致经济结构性矛盾突出,县域经济综合效益不高。特别是新财源增长点严重不足,财政收入增长缓慢,保开支压力大。工业弱小成为制约县域经济发展的症结所在。今年年初以来,永吉县委、县政府从本地县情出发,紧紧围绕富民强县的目标,把以工兴县作为发展县域经济的突破口。为把以工兴县落到实处,永吉县重点要加快三个转变。 Yongji County is located in the eastern part of Jilin Province and covers an area of ​​2,625 square kilometers. It administers 6 townships, 6 towns and 1 provincial-level economic development zone, 217 administrative villages, with a total population of 410,000. For a long time, people’s generalization of Yongji county’s situation is: “Agricultural prefectures, small industrial counties, and poor financial counties.” In the composition of county economies, the proportion of industries is relatively small, and there are no backbone enterprises and unique competitive products. Due to the weak industry, the structural contradictions in the economy are prominent and the comprehensive benefits of the county economy are not high. In particular, there is a serious shortage of new sources of financial resources, the growth of fiscal revenue is slow, and pressure on expenditures is high. Industrial weakness has become the crux of the county’s economic development. Since the beginning of this year, the Yongji County Party Committee and County Government set out from the local county conditions, closely focused on the goal of enriching the people and strengthening the county, and taking Gongxing County as the breakthrough point for developing the county economy. In order to put Gongxing County into practice, Yongji County will focus on accelerating three changes.
8月4日,由 TCL 国际电工承办的广东省建筑电气学会2000年学术研讨会在惠州胜利召开。本次会议为期两天,广东省土木建筑学会会长张三戒、建筑电气学会主任林琅、来自全省的会
桂政办发[1999]162号各地区行署,各市、县、自治县人民政府,柳铁,区直各委、办、厅、局: 现将国防科学技术工业委员会《关于国防科学技术工业委员会民用爆破器材行业管理办
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各地区行政公署,自治州、市人民政府,省直机关各单位:为推动我省纺织工业深化改革、调整结构、解困扭亏工作,使纺织行业实现改革与脱 Regional administrative bureaus, au
西宁市、各自治州人民政府,海东行署,省政府各委、办、厅、局: 《青海省建设厅职能配置、内设机构和人员编制规定》,已经省人民政府批准,现予印发。 Xining City, People’