
来源 :人民司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szneptune
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1957年1月13日,最高人民法院、司法部机关刊《人民司法工作》创刊。时任中共中央政治局委员、最高人民法院院长董必武为刊物题写了刊名。1958年起删去“工作”二字,刊名正式确定为《人民司法》。同年司法部撤销,《人民司法》成为最高人民法院机关刊。1961年起,因最高法院缩减编制,第一次停刊。1962年6月复刊。自复刊到1966年再次停刊期间,所用刊名由时任最高人民法院院长谢觉哉题写。1966年8月,文化大革命开始,被迫第二次停刊。1978年8月再度复刊,恢复使用董必武题写的刊名。从1978年8月复刊至1983年10月,总编由廖伯雅同志担任。自1983年10月至2000年7月,总编由回沪明同志担任。自1984年起,全部实行自费订阅。1985年2月16日,最高人民法院党组宣布,《人民司法》编辑部同研究室分设,建制为局级单位。1986年,最高人民法院党组决定由《人民司法》编辑部负责筹组人民法院出版社。同年12月29日,前国家出版局批准 January 13, 1957, the Supreme People’s Court, the judiciary organs “people’s judicial work” founded. At that time, he was a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the head of the Supreme People’s Court Dong Biwu wrote a title for the publication. Since 1958, the word “work” has been deleted and the title formally identified as “people’s court of justice.” In the same year the Ministry of Justice was withdrawn and “People’s Court of Justice” became the organ of the Supreme People’s Court. Since 1961, due to the Supreme Court to reduce the preparation, the first stop publication. Reprinted in June 1962. Since the resumption of the suspension of the publication in 1966, the title used was written by the President of the Supreme People’s Court, Shek Se-kai. August 1966, the Cultural Revolution began, was forced to stop publication for the second time. 1978 August again resumed, the restoration of the title of Dong Biwu inscription. From August 1978 to October 1983, the editor-in-chief was Comrade Liaoboja. From October 1983 to July 2000, the editor-in-chief was Comrade Hu Ming. Since 1984, all the implementation of their own subscription. February 16, 1985, the Supreme People’s Court announced that the editorial department of “People’s Justice” was separated from the research laboratory and established as a bureau-level unit. In 1986, the Supreme People’s Court decided to organize the People’s Court Press by the editorial department of “People’s Justice”. December 29 the same year, the former State Publication Bureau approved
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Meniere’s disease is characterized by suddenonset of vertigo accompanied by tinnitus anddeafness,with frequent recurrence.Since 1968,75 patients have been tre
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