Particle-in-cell simulations of laser–plasma interactions at solid densities and relativistic intens

来源 :HighPowerLaserScienceandEngineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuwumalan
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Direct numerical simulation of intense laser–solid interactions is still of great challenges, because of the many coupled atomic and plasma processes, such as ionization dynamics, collision among charged particles and collective electromagnetic fields, to name just a few. Here, we develop a new particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation code, which enables us to calculate laser–solid interactions in a more realistic way. This code is able to cover almost ‘all’ the coupled physical processes. As an application of the new code, the generation and transport of energetic electrons in front of and within the solid target when irradiated by intense laser beams are studied. For the considered case, in which laser intensity is and pre-plasma scale length in front of the solid is , several quantitative conclusions are drawn: (i) the collisional damping (although it is very weak) can significantly affect the energetic electrons generation in front of the target, (ii) the Bremsstrahlung radiation will be enhanced by 2–3 times when the solid is dramatically heated and ionized, (iii) the ‘cut-off’ electron energy is lowered by an amount of 25% when both collision damping and Bremsstrahlung radiations are included, and (iv) the resistive electromagnetic fields due to Ohmic heating play nonignorable roles and must be taken into account in such interactions.
提出了基于中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)数据反演近海污染大气气溶胶光学性质的算法。根据近海污染大气气溶胶的成分特征构建了新的气溶胶模式;同时避开了MODIS反演算法中计算大气顶光谱反射率理论的缺陷;利用近红外光谱数据降低了近岸二类水体离水辐射的影响,并通过光谱匹配技术实现了近海污染大气气溶胶光学性质的反演。利用气溶胶自动观测网 (AERONET) 的近海站点数据对算法进行了验证。结果表明,超过2/3的反演结果落在误差范围内,反演结果达到了大洋的反演精度。
在连续光全光纤光学参量振荡器(FOPO)中, 目前主要利用可调滤波器(TBPF)等高插入损耗的滤波器件进行边带光输出波长的调谐, 这种方式所引起的高环形腔损耗限制了FOPO输出性能的进一步提升。为解决此问题, 提出了基于多模干涉(MMI)滤波器的低腔损耗可调谐连续光FOPO。通过选取不同长度和纤芯尺寸的多模光纤制作级联单模-多模-单模光纤(SMS)作为滤波器件, 使其在选定波长处的插入损耗小于1 dB, FOPO环形腔的总损耗不大于5 dB, 并通过对SMS器件施加轴向拉力的方式调节滤波器件的透射谱, 实
为实现精密测量移动物体的直线位移, 解决现有直线测量技术中量程和精度无法兼顾的难题, 克服现有测量技术复杂、加工难度大等缺点, 提出一种新型无接触测量技术, 用线性CCD连续采集128个像素点, 测量移动物体的位置。在普通白炽光的照射下, 背景色为白色, 这时128个像素点的采集值基本相同。当黑色物体沿直线移动到镜头范围内时, 128个像素点的采集值将会发生显著的变化, 找到这些变化点, 并用动态阈值算法计算出移动物体的位置。搭建了相应的测量系统, 实验结果表明,系统的测量精度可达到0.5mm, 具有精度
Er3 /Ce3 co-doped tellurite-based glasses with composition of TeO2-ZnO-Na2O are prepared by high- temperature melt-quenching technique. Effects of Ce2O3content on the 1.53 μm band fluoresce
采用高温固相还原法合成Ca12-x-yMxAl14O32F2yEu(M=Mg, Sr, Ba)体系荧光粉,分别采用X射线粉末衍射仪和荧光光谱仪测试其物相及荧光性能,通过掺杂碱土金属离子可以调整Ca12Al14