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为了加速东南地区的核能发展,依据对我国国情和该地区的实际情况分析,提出如下建议: 一、东南地区发展核电是解决该区能源紧张的主要途径 近年来,我国工业发展很快,目前全国普遍呈现能源紧张的严峻局面,特别是东南地区表现更为严重。 我国东南地区是我国能源需求量很大的经济发达地区,其工农业总产值约占全国的五分之一左右。然而该区内除苏北有小块煤田和闽浙赣有少量水资源外,能源资源非常短缺,以 In order to accelerate the development of nuclear energy in the southeast region, based on the analysis of the actual conditions in China and in the region, the following suggestions are made: I. Developing nuclear power in the southeast region is the main way to solve the energy shortage in the region In recent years, the industry in our country has developed rapidly. At present, The general situation of energy shortage is grim, especially in the southeast. The southeast region of our country is a economically developed area with a large energy demand in our country, and its gross output value of industry and agriculture accounts for about one fifth of the national total. However, except for a small coalfield in northern Jiangsu and a small amount of water resources in Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi, energy resources are very scarce
Activities of selected soil enzymes (invertase, acid phosphatase, proteinase, catalase, peroxidase and polyphenoloxi-dase) were determined under different spru
Wavelength division multiplex has obvious advantages when it is used in fiber Bragg grating(FBG) sensing for simultaneous measurement of various quantities, but
前言随着大工业的高度发展和城市人口的迅猛增加,大气中有毒重金属元素对环境的污染日趋严重,给人类的健康造成危害,已引起人们极大关注.分析降雪中 Cd、Cr 和 Pb,是监测北
当以孙雯、刘爱玲为首的老国脚退役之后,中国女足失去的不仅仅是支撑球队的中流砥柱,更重要的是失去了坚强的战斗精神和那些为了团队荣誉誓死拼搏的意志和勇气。  5年前,阎世铎在昆明足球工作会议上曾做出“中国足球被扒光”的结论,如今这个理论又延及女足,被继续“发扬光大”。北京时间3月12日凌晨,中国女足在阿尔加夫杯上以0∶2再次败于德国女足,最终以三场全负居小组最末,主教练王海鸣痛苦地说,“这三场比赛,我
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