The Appreciation of Two Translated Versions of The Song of Burying the Fallen Flowers from The Persp

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  【Abstract】There are 81 poems in The Dream of the Red Chamber, which are closely related to the fates of the characters. Therefore, whether the poems in this novel can be well-translated or not is a key step in terms of transmitting and showing the book’s essence to the world. From the perspective of eco-translatology, this paper compares two translated versions and focuses on the comparison and appreciation of one of the representative poems- The Song of Burying the Fallen Flowers (《葬花吟》).
  【Key words】The Song of Burying the Fallen Flowers; eco-translatology; language; culture; communication
  Zhou Ruchang once said “The Dream of the Red Chamber is ‘a novel full of poems’”, in which there are altogether 81 poems. And these poems reflected the artistic characteristics of The Dream of the Red Chamber. The poem The Song of Burying the Fallen Flowers reflected Lin Daiyu’s personality and also predicted her miserable fate. “Burying the flowers” is actually burying herself, her youth and her life. The Song of Burying the Fallen Flowers has many translated versions. From the perspective of eco-translatology, this paper analyzes the two most famous versions translated by Yang Xianyi, Dai Naidie and David Hawkes. Mainly focusing on the language, culture and communication, it presents the adaptability and characteristics of different translated versions.
  1. The Introduction to Eco-translatology
  Eco-translatology is a relatively new translational theory, which was first proposed by Professor Hu Gengshen in Tsinghua University in 2001. He said, “The appearance of eco-translatology conforms to the development tendency of society and academic research”. This paper selects the translational methods addressed by him, namely the language aspect, culture aspect and the communication aspect to compare and analyze the two translated versions.
  2. Comparison of Two Translated Versions
  2.1 The adaptability and selection of language aspect
  The adaptability and selection of language aspect mainly discuss translational issues on language level. The following four sentences depicts the scene when Lin Daiyu, with a rake in her hand, went out of the door. Each sentence has seven words and the first, second, and fourth has the rhyme of “-u”, which makes it well-organized and enjoys a strict form of rhyme. The four sentences are simple, elegant, implicit and fined.   闺中女儿惜春暮,愁绪满怀无释处。
  The two versions:
  A girl in her chamber mourns the passing of spring,
  No relief from anxiety her poor heart knows;
  Hoe in hand she steps through her portal,
  Loath to treat on the blossom as she comes and goes,
   ——Translated by Yang
  The Maid, grieved by these signs of spring’s decease,
  Seeking some means her sorrow to express,
  Has rake in hand into the garden gone,
  Before the fallen flowers are trampled on.
   ——Translated by Hawkes
  Compared this two versions, it can be easily found that the rhyme of Yang’s version is at the second and the fourth sentences. However, it is not easy to read it fluently by readers since it lacks rhyme in the first and the third sentences. In Hawkes’ version, he rhymes in the first and the second sentences and in the third and the fourth sentences by using “decrease” and “express”, “gone” and “on” respectively. To be more specific, Hawkes applies heroic couplet(aabb), and he insists on this form throughout the whole poem, making the translated version more readable.
  2.2 The adaptability and selection of culture aspect
  The translation of a poem should not only transmit the beauty of language, but also the cultural information so as to achieve the goal of cross culture communication. And in The Song of Burying the Fallen Flowers,literary quotation can fully present Chinese culture.
  The two versions:
  Dusk falls and the cuckoo is silent;
  Her hoe brought back, the lodge is locked and still;
  A green lamp lights the wall as sleep enfolds her,
  Cold rain pelts the casement and her quilt is chill.
   ——Translated by Yang
  At twilight ,when the cuckoo sings no more,
  The Maiden with her rake goes in at door
  And lays her down between the lamplit walls,
  While a chill rain against the window falls.
   ——Translated by Hawkes
  In the two translated versions, both Yang and Hawkes translates “杜鹃” as the single form “cuckoo” in order to implicate the loneliness of Lin Daiyu. In addition, concerning the translation of “无语”, Yang’s version is “is silent” while Hawkes’ version is “sings no more”. The verb “sings” not only has the meaning of singing a song, but also embodies the twittering of a bird. From this perspective, the phrase “sings no more” can reflect the vivid scene of silence after the bird’s singing.   2.3 The adaptability and selection of communication aspect
  Eco-translatology indicates that “Besides the transformation of linguistic information and cultural connotation, the translator should focus on the level of communication and pay attention to whether the communicative intention of the original text can be reflected in the translation”. To decide whether the communicative purpose has been achieved, the communicative function of original text should be fully understood. The first communicative purpose of Burying Flowers is to suggest the decline of Jia Mansion(贾府) through Lin Daiyu’s burying flowers. And the second purpose is to express Lin Daiyu’s worry about her own miserable future and situation of no one to rely on. The examples are as follows:
  Now you are dead I come to bury you;
  None has divined the day when I shall die;
  Men laugh at my folly in burying fallen flowers,
  But who will bury me when dead I lie?
  ——Translated by Yang
  Can I, that these flowers` obsequies attend,
  Divine how soon or late my life will end?
  Let others laugh flower-burial to see:
  Another year who will be burying me?
  ——Translated by Hawkes
  Clearly, the four sentences are translated in a simpler way by Yang. However, this is from the perspective of a Chinese reader. For foreign readers whose native language is English, they will value and appreciate more when read a more complex version with fully maintaining the beauty of the poem. The life of a work, a poem lies in how long it can survive among the readers and whether it can be accepted readily by the readers.
  3. Conclusion
  When judge the superiority or inferiority of a translated version, we no longer merely consider whether the version is “closer to readers” or “closer to writers”, we measure it in the aspects of language, culture and communication. The three aspects are of equal importance, and the translator cannot ignore any of them. Compared the two translated versions, Hawkes’ version is better as far as eco-translatology is concerned. Nevertheless, the efforts
【摘要】现阶段在我国的新课程教育改革阶段明确指出高中学生口语课要令学生投入其中,学会听、说、读等重要的方式。其中“说”是提高高中学生口语交际能力最有效的方式,也是学生日常口语交际避不开的一个关键点。在目前的高中教育中,其实很大程度上已经忽视学生口语的发展,尤其学生最基本的交际能力素质还未形成,为口语的发展带来了很大的障碍。本文主要从“说”入手,阐述浅析高中学生的口语交际能力。  【关键词】口语交际
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【摘要】随着教学目标对学生要求的不断提高,英语逐渐成为小学课程体系的重要组成部分。而语法是构成语言的重要成分,只有掌握一些语法,学生的英语水平才能有所提高。但在小学英语课堂上,出于各方面原因,教师往往忽略对学生进行语法教学,或者没有较好的教学方式,导致不能满足学生英语学习的需要。接下来,我将结合日常的教学经验,谈谈小学英语课堂如何高效进行语法教学。  【关键词】小学英语;语法教学;学习兴趣;理解程
【摘要】随着近年来高职教育的快速发展,在我国高职教育中,多数高职学生的英语水平普遍偏低,且缺乏对英语学习的兴趣,从而使课堂教学有效性降低。基于此,本文将从“巧设情境,激发兴趣”“因材施教,分层教学”“信息技术,拓展思维”三个角度进行分析,谈一谈提高高职英语教学有效性的策略探究。  【关键词】高职英语;教学有效性;兴趣;分层;信息技术  【作者简介】邢国新,江苏省通州中等专业学校。  在高职教育阶段
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【摘要】随着新课程改革的逐步实施和素质教育的不断深化,英语作为高中阶段的一门基础学科,其重要性不可忽视。传统的高中英语教学模式在吸引学生注意力时不够突出,导致课堂效率不高。因此,教师应该积极转变教学方法,将学生作为课堂主体,通过制定有效的策略,来为学生学习英语提供一个良好的开端。  【关键词】高中;英语;综合能力  【作者简介】陈芳梅,甘肃省白银市第十中学。  时代在发展,社会在进步,在教育教学领