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洋地黄制剂使用至今已逾200年,随着心脏病在世界各地发病率逐年增加的趋势,洋地黄的应用也越来越广泛。如美国,地高辛已列为第八位常用药物。虽然洋地黄中毒发生率近年有所下降,但仍达10——30%。一旦发生洋地黄中毒,死亡率可达5——10%。 多年来洋地黄中毒的传统治疗方法仅限于对症治疗,直至1976年,smith氏首次应用地高辛特异性抗体抢救一例口服22.5毫克地高辛企图自杀的重危洋地黄中毒患者,获得完全成功,为重度洋地黄中毒的抢救开拓出一条新的道路。至今,世界各地已用抗体疗法救治不少危及生命的洋地黄中毒患者。我院自1979年起开展此项研究工作,至今已应用自制地高辛抗体成功抢救19例重度洋地黄中患患者,其中15例已作报道,填补了国内洋地黄中毒治疗上的一项空白。 Digitalis preparations have been used for more than 200 years, with the incidence of heart disease in various parts of the world increasing trend, the application of digitalis more and more widely. Such as the United States, digoxin has been ranked as the eighth commonly used drugs. Although the incidence of digitalis poisoning has declined in recent years, but still up to 10 - 30%. In the event of digitalis poisoning, the mortality rate of up to 5-10%. The traditional treatment of digitalis poisoning over the years was limited to symptomatic treatment until 1976, smith’s first application of digoxin-specific antibodies to rescue a case of oral administration of 22.5 mg of digoxin attempted suicide critically ill digitalis poisoning patients with complete success, For the treatment of severe digitalis poisoning to open up a new road. To date, antibody-themed therapy has been used to treat many life-threatening digitalis patients around the world. Our hospital since 1979 to carry out this research work has so far been successful with homemade digoxin antibody rescue 19 cases of severe digitalis patients, of which 15 cases have been reported to fill a domestic digitalis poisoning treatment of a blank .
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