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芝加哥大学经济系主任罗伯特·卢卡斯(Robert Lucas Jr)教授在美国经济学界是闻名遐迩的。70年代以来,他发表了一系列影响深远的论文,成为继密尔顿·弗里德曼之后,芝加哥学派宏观理论新的代表人物,也是正在迅速传播中的合理预期(rational expectation)学派的主要旗手。货币主义学派认为,从长期来看,货币是中性的,改变货币增长率并不会影响国民经济的实际运转。这与凯恩斯主义学派截然不同,争论的焦点是如何从理论上进一步论证货币是中性的。以卢卡斯为代表的合理预期学派在微观经济学的基础上,从个人的理性行为这一西方经济学的最基本假设出发,出色地回答了这一难题,被人们称为将宏观经济建立在微观经济学基础之上的一次十分有意义的努力。近年来,他在发展经济学领域又做了许多工作。1985年应剑桥大学邀请,作了题为《论经济发展机制》(On the Mechanics of Econorrlic Development)的演讲,提出了与以往增长模型不同的新模型,其中最大不同之处是引进了人力资本(human cadital)的概念,即人所拥有的知识和技能也是一种资本,在生产中和其他要素一起发挥重要作用。与索罗不同的是,他把技术要素内生化,认为人力资本的积累和不断更新取决于人们的主观努力和所从事工作的难易程度,特别强调了在职业场所学习新技术的重要性。卢卡斯教授参加了1987年12月27~30日在芝加哥举行的美国经济学年会,会议期间,在美国各大学从事经济学学习和研究的一些中国学生和学者一行十人,拜访了他。本刊特请当时参加访问的十人之一,芝加哥大学经济系博士候选人文贯中,根据当时谈话整理成此篇访问录,供感兴趣的读者参考,思索。 Professor Robert Lucas Jr, Dean of Economics at the University of Chicago, is well known in the American economics community. Since the 1970s, he has published a series of influential essays that have become the new representative of the Chicago School macroeconomics following Milton Friedman, and also the chief of a rational expectation school that is rapidly spreading Flagman. Monetarists believe that in the long run, the currency is neutral, and changing the rate of monetary growth will not affect the actual operation of the national economy. This is very different from the Keynesian school. The focus of the debate is how to theoretically further demonstrate that the currency is neutral. On the basis of microeconomics, the rational school of expectations, represented by Lucas, answers this difficult problem from the most basic assumption of rational behavior of the individual in the West, which is called the establishment of macroeconomy A very meaningful effort based on microeconomics. In recent years, he has done a great deal of work in the field of development economics. At the invitation of the University of Cambridge in 1985, he gave a speech entitled “On the Mechanics of Econorrlic Development.” He put forward a new model different from the previous model of growth. The biggest difference was the introduction of human capital The concept of human cadital, that is, the knowledge and skills possessed by humans is also a kind of capital that plays an important role in production in conjunction with other elements. Unlike Solo, he endorses the technical elements that the accumulation and constant renewal of human capital depends on people's subjective efforts and the ease of doing the work, with particular emphasis on the importance of learning new technologies in the workplace. Professor Lucas attended the annual meeting of the American School of Economics held in Chicago from December 27 to December 30, 1987. During the conference, some Chinese students and scholars engaged in economics study and research at various U.S. universities visited him. At the time, we asked one of the ten people who were present at that visit. Wen Guanzhong, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Economics of the University of Chicago, compiled an interview on the basis of the remarks at that time for reference and consideration by interested readers.
例1 男,23岁.主诉:双下肢远端肌萎无力,伴双足溃疡6年余.患者6年前无明显诱因出现左足底内侧起泡,后出现指甲大小溃疡,伤口不易愈合.2年前又出现右足底起泡,并出现指甲大小溃疡,伤口不易愈合.渐出现双下肢远端肌肉萎缩无力,曾于当地医院疑为"脊髓空洞症",经MRI检查未见异常.曾服用维生素类药物治疗,无效.神经系统检查:行走费力,呈跨越步态.双上肢肌力Ⅴ-级,双手肌肉无明显萎缩,双手颜色发暗.双下
上消化道出血是消化性溃疡最常见的并发症 ,出血的病因中 ,消化性溃疡约占 50 % ,居首位。我院从1995年 1月至 1997年 1月收治消化性溃疡出血 519例。现就其出血好发因素及预
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