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某企业在产权变革过程中,对档案的馆藏结构进行了一次调查,发现95%以上的档案属于文书档案和科技档案,而属于经营内容的档案几乎等于零。这一方面说明该企业档案工作对技术管理比较重视,同时也反映了他们对经营档案的忽视。须知,一个自主经营,自我发展的企业,是非常需要经营档案为其经营提供保证条件的。我们只要把“管理”与“经营”加以对比,就可以看出强化经营档案管理的必要性和重要性了。1.“管理”是由共同劳动所引起的一种组织协调的职能。“经营”则是由商品生产的发展而引起的一种“适应”的职能。企业只搞好管理不搞好经营,生产出的商品将无法销售。企业档案工作者为了解决和促进企业适应市场需要,促使适销对路 In the course of the change of property rights, an enterprise conducted a survey on the collection structure of archives, and found that more than 95% of archives belonged to documents and scientific and technological archives, while archives belonging to business contents were almost equal to zero. This aspect shows that the company’s archives work attaches great importance to technology management, but also reflects their neglect of operating files. It should be noted that a self-operating, self-developing enterprise is in great need of operating records to provide guarantee conditions for its operations. As long as we compare “management” with “business”, we can see the necessity and importance of strengthening management of business records. 1. “Management” is a kind of organizational coordination function caused by common labor. “Operation” is an “adaptation” function caused by the development of commodity production. Enterprises only do a good job of management and do not do a good job of management, and the products produced will not be able to be sold. In order to solve and promote the need of enterprises to adapt to the market, enterprise archivists promote marketable solutions.
本刊讯8月20日,广元市委副书记、代市长马华到中国电信广元分公司调研指导工作。马华先后到利州东路电信枢纽大楼综合机房、网络监控中心、10000 On August 20, Guanghua Mu
据《Gas Turbine World》2012年9-10月刊报道,GE公司将供应三台9FB燃气轮机,用于正在北京建造的1 378 MW Datang Gaojing(大唐高津)联合循环联合生产电站。 According to Ga
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