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叶片施肥法经常用于克服园艺植物和农作物的特殊营养缺乏症,以促进生长和提高产量。虽然叶片施肥法成本高,不及土壤施肥普遍,但在某些情况下仍可作为一种施肥方法。本工作研究:(1)测定玉米花期前、后喷施尿素 N(富~(15)N)后整个地上部和各部分的利用率;(2)测定籽粒发育中植株各部位标记尿素 N 的分市与迁移。 Leaf fertilization is often used to overcome specific nutritional deficiencies in horticultural plants and crops to promote growth and increase yield. Although leaf fertilization is costly and less common than soil fertilization, it can still be used as a fertilization method in some cases. The research work is as follows: (1) To determine the utilization rate of whole shoots and parts after sprayed with urea N (rich ~ (15) N) before and after the flowering stage of popcorn; (2) City and relocation.
Due to the lack of surface dangling bonds in graphene,the direct growth of high-κ films via atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique often produces the dielectr
材料和方法在山口市山口大学农学部从一株约6米高,50年树龄的山茶树(Camellia japonicaL.var.spontanea)上收集种子,茶种(薮北种)则产自金谷町的国立茶业试验场。剥去种壳之
Four kinds of Au nanorods (NRs) with different aspect ratios are designed to adjust the relationship between resonance energy level of longitudinal (L) and tran
绝不是廉价版B-2  在美国空军年会上,曾展示过一张B-21轰炸机的想象图。从外形上看,其基本沿用了B-2轰炸机的无尾飞翼布局,飞机中部隆起以容纳乘员座舱、弹舱和机载设备,机身两侧安装发动机舱,锯齿形的进气口布置在飞机背部。不过,由于保密原因,美军展示的B-21想象图细节相当模糊,加之没有公开该机的基本参数,这就给推测其性能带来了相当大的困难。  但从已公布的B-21项目各家分包商来看,不乏普惠、
FePt nanoparticles in mesoporous silica are fabricated by a simple stepwise synthesis strategy.A pre-annealing temperature-dependent coercivity-ageing effect in
Hybrid structures of two distinct materials provide an excellent opportunity to optimize functionalities.We report the realization of wide quantum Hall plateaus