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本文全面分析了燃气企业煤气费应收账款居高不下形成的三个方面原因:社会历史背景、企业片身管理原因和社会服务保障机制不健全。并着重讨论如何加强应收账款的管理。提高资金回笼率的措施及对策,本文紧密结合实际、分析透彻、条理清晰,听提出的措施对策科学、合理、有效、可行。面对激烈烈的市场竞争、对一个高效快速运转的企业而言,资金就是维系企业生命的“血液”。如何加强对煤气费应收账款的管理。提高气费资金回笼率,是每个燃气企业都面临的问题。笔者针对燃气行业的特殊性就此问题作出分析、说明。 This paper comprehensively analyzes the causes of gas accounts receivable accounts receivable in gas companies in three aspects: the social and historical background, the reasons for the management of enterprises and the imperfect social security mechanism. And focuses on how to strengthen the management of accounts receivable. Measures to improve the rate of fund recovery and countermeasures, the paper closely integrated with the actual, thorough analysis, clear, listen to the proposed measures scientific, reasonable, effective and feasible. In the face of fierce market competition, for an efficient and rapid operation of the enterprise, the capital is to maintain the life of the enterprise “blood ”. How to Strengthen the Management of Accounts Receivable Gas Charges. Raise gas funds return rate, is the problem facing each gas business. The author of the gas industry for the particularity of this issue to analyze and explain.
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去井冈山看一看是笔者的愿望,退休后才圆了这个梦。前不久,与几位退休同仁前往一游,笔者心中颇为兴奋,于是写下游后感受。  自然天成  山高水美  井冈山山高水美,自然天成。众多连绵不断的原始森林,古木参天,层层叠叠。群峰中,海拔最高的要数五指峰,高达1700多米,远看像人并拢的五指。第四套人民币100元的背景图案,即此山峰。但游人只能远眺,因为她仍处于原始森林的生态,无法进入。  瀑布是井冈山的一大