
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wrc_166
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The proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 has been implicated in host suscep tibility to Helicobacter pylori -associated disease. Recent studies suggest tha t this susceptibility may be under genetic control. It remains to be determined whether the relationship between IL-1 gene polymorphism and gastrointestinal di sease in patients with H. pylori infection is due to the role of IL-1 in determ ining susceptibility to H. pylori infection per se or to the development of dist inct pathological lesions. The aim of this study was to prospectively investigat e the relationship between selected polymorphisms in three of the major IL-1 ge ne family members, seeking associations with H. pylori infection and/or gastric cancer. A total of 559 individuals were studied: 191 patients attending for gast roscopy, 98 with current or previous H. pylori, an additional 79 patients with g astric cancer, and 289 healthy controls. The major novel finding of the study wa s a marked difference in the genotype frequencies for the IL1R1 HinfI SNP in tho se with current or previous evidence of H. pylori compared to those without. (GG , 53 vs 75%; GA, 40 vs 19%; AA, 7 vs 6%; P = 0.0079). The association indicat es an increased risk of H. pylori infection or persistence in those with the IL1 R1 Hinf1 A allele (0.27 vs 0.156; P = 0.009; OR = 2.01). Our results suggest tha t the relationship among IL-1 gene polymorphism, H. pylori, and disease is more complex than initially proposed. More detailed studies of the IL-1 gene cluste r are needed. The proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 has been implicated in host suscep tibility to Helicobacter pylori -associated disease. Recent studies suggest tha t this susceptibility may be under genetic control. It remains to be determined whether the relationship between IL-1 gene polymorphism and gastrointestinal di sease in patients with H. pylori infection is due to the role of IL-1 in determing susceptibility to H. pylori infection per se or to the development of dist inct pathological lesions. The aim of this study was to prospectively investigat e the relationship between selected polymorphisms in three of the major IL-1 ge ne family members, seeking associations with H. pylori infection and / or gastric cancer. A total of 559 individuals were studied: 191 patients attending for gast roscopy, 98 with current or previous H . pylori, an additional 79 patients with g astric cancer, and 289 healthy controls. The major novel finding of the study wa sa marked difference in the genotype frequencies for the IL1R1 HinfI SNP in tho se with current or previous evidence of H. pylori compared to those without. (GG, 53 vs 75%; GA, 40 vs 19%; AA, 7 vs 6%; P = 0.0079). The association indicat es an increased risk of H. pylori infection or persistence in those with the IL1 R1 Hinf1 A allele (0.27 vs 0.156; P = 0.009; OR = 2.01). Our results suggest tha t the relationship among IL-1 gene polymorphism , H. pylori, and the disease is more complex than initially proposed. More detailed studies of the IL-1 gene cluste r are needed.
本文就1997年至2000年我所检验药品的情况作一简述分析,以期查找引起药品不合格的原因,为药品监督管理提供科学依据。1 检品质量构成情况1.1 1997年至2000年共检验3165件药
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