
来源 :钓鱼 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zanyunfeng
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六月的一天下午,我到市郊一水库用手竿近岸钓草鱼,先后上鱼5条,获鱼3条(钻入草丛脱钩2条),每条均在3000克左右。而在此前,我曾3次到此专钓草鱼却一无所获。这次成功,分析起来,主要有如下原因:一、弄清鱼情,选择好时机和钓位是重要基础水库约90余亩水面,平均水深3米左右,上游两岸有大片水草。以鲢(鳙)为主,放养有草、鲤、鳊、鲫等鱼;草鱼密度不大,个头较大。库岸种植有“黑麦草”,塘主每天傍晚割取数10千克喂草鱼。过去,许多钓友(包括笔者)用海竿挂“黑麦草”远投浮钓草鱼,收效甚微,用面饵近岸钓却偶有所获。我分析,这主要是由于水面较大而草鱼相对稀少不易钓获;塘主投“黑麦草”喂鱼,养成草鱼近岸摄食习惯。如果以“黑麦草”为诱饵,手竿近岸垂钓可能成功。 One afternoon in June, I went to the suburbs and used a fishing rod to catch grass carp near the shore. There were 5 fish on the ground and 3 fish (2 in the grass). Each was about 3000 grams. Prior to this, I had to catch grass carp three times to find nothing. The success, analysis, mainly for the following reasons: First, to understand the fish, choose a good timing and fishing position is an important foundation of about 90 acres of water reservoir, with an average depth of about 3 meters, the upper reaches of large tracts of water. To silver carp (鳙) mainly stocking grass, carp, 鳊, crucian carp and other fish; grass carp density is not big, bigger. Bank of the shore planting “rye grass”, pond owners cut the number of grass in the evening cut 10 kg of grass. In the past, many fishing friends (including the author) linked the “ryegrass” with a sea rod to cast a long distance flotation grass carp with little success. My analysis is that this is mainly due to the relatively large surface area of ​​the grass carp and the relative scarcity of the grass carp is not easy to catch; the main pond casts “ryegrass” to feed the fish to develop grass carp nearshore habit. With “ryegrass” as a bait, hand-fishing on the shore may be successful.
根据解放以来大规模地质勘探工作的结果,中国南部钨矿可以初步划分为三个矿系八个工业类型。各个矿系和工业类型钨矿的基本特征,有如下表所示: According to the results o