煤炭 欧亚遭遇冰火两重天

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煤炭是地球上储量最丰富的化石燃料,直到现在,煤炭仍提供了全世界大约39%的电力。然而,从环境污染角度看,燃煤所排放的二氧化硫、二氧化碳、氮氧化物不仅日复一日地污染空气、毒化水质、形成酸雨,更会导致全球气候变暖。同时,在煤炭生产过程中,包括煤矿开采对地表的破坏、运输过程中对环境的污染等都成为利用这种“廉价”能源所付出的惨重代价。在全球石油资源面临枯竭而煤炭的价值重被发掘的今天,煤炭开发在欧亚却遭遇了冰火两重天的迥异境地。 Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel on Earth, and until now coal provided about 39% of the world’s electricity. However, from the perspective of environmental pollution, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides emitted by coal-fired coal not only pollute the air day after day, poisoning water quality and forming acid rain, but also lead to global warming. At the same time, destruction of the surface during the coal production process, including coal mining, and pollution of the environment during transport have all become heavy costs for using this “cheap” energy source. At a time when global oil resources are in a state of exhaustion and the value of coal is being rebuilt, coal exploitation has suffered a very different situation in Europe and Asia.
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