
来源 :中国临床解剖学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gcq1987
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用聚氯乙烯铅丹动脉灌注,软X线造影的方法,对40具(80侧)儿童头部标本进行了上、下唇动脉的观察。上唇部的血供主要来自上唇动脉,该动脉具有出现率高,起始部位及走行较恒定的特点,其分支与主干垂直走行,根据两侧该动脉的分布范围可分为3型:即均衡型80%,一侧优势型12.5%和一侧代偿型7.5%。下唇部的血供除下唇动脉外,尚有颏下动脉。下唇动脉的特点是缺失率高,起始部位及走行不恒定,分支呈水平走行。根据下唇部血管的起始部位可分为6型。上、下唇动脉的这些特点将为临床应用提供参考。 The upper and lower lip arteries were observed in 40 (80 sides) children with arterial perfusion and soft X-ray angiography. The upper lip of the blood supply mainly from the upper lip artery, the artery has a high incidence, the starting position and walking more constant characteristics of its branches and trunk vertical walk according to the distribution of the two sides of the artery can be divided into three types: 80%, 12.5% ​​on one side and 7.5% on one side. The lower lip of the blood supply in addition to the lower lip artery, there are submental arteries. Lower lip artery is characterized by a high rate of loss, the starting position and the line is not constant, the branches were horizontal walking. According to the initial part of the lower lip of the blood vessels can be divided into 6 types. These features of upper and lower lip arteries will provide reference for clinical application.
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采用固相结合试验证实:(1)rTNF-α和 rIL-2能以高度亲和力与多种含 N-连接寡糖的糖蛋白结合,其结合活性依赖于糖蛋白的糖基组分;(2)rTNF-α能识别各种类型的 N-连接糖链,而 r
本研究目的在于对精子低渗性肿胀(HOS)实验时,对不同浓度的低渗溶液、培养的时间和收集标本至培养时间对实验的影响进行评价。 The purpose of this study was to evaluate
采用尿素裂解蛋白质,有机溶剂抽提,提取全血、绒毛组织、羊水细胞的DNA,所得DNA的产率、质量均达标准,而且具有快速、经济和操作简便等优点。 Using urea to cleave protein