Schwarzschild microscopes in vacuum ultraviolet and soft X-ray regions

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jyjcccc
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Microscopes in vacuum ultraviolet and soft X-ray regions using a normal incidence type of Schwarzschild objective are reviewed. The objective consists of a concave mirror and a convex mirror coated with a high reflectance multilayer,having a large numerical aperture comparing with other objectives. The microscopes have been used to diagnose inertia-confinement-fusion plasmas,and to investigate small samples or microstructures of in- organic and organic materials by imaging them using laboratory light sources. Synchrotron radiation has been also used to obtain a microbeam for a photoelectron scanning microscope with a spatial resolution of 0.1 μm. The struc- ture and performance of two laboratory microscopes developed at Tohoku University are demonstrated. One of them is a soft X-ray emission imaging microscope. An image of an artificial pattern made of W and SiO2 on Si wafer by focusing Si L emission was presented. The other is an ultraviolet photoelectron scanning microscope using a He (he- lium) gas discharge lamp. The valence band spectra of a microcrystal of FeWO4 were presented. Furthermore other applications such as demagnifying optics for lithography and optics to gather fluorescence for emission spectroscopy are introduced. Microscopes in vacuum ultraviolet and soft X-ray regions using a normal incidence type of Schwarzschild objective are reviewed. The objective consists of a concave mirror and a convex mirror coated with a high reflectance multilayer, having a large numerical aperture comparing with other objectives. Microscopes have been used to diagnose inertia-confinement-fusion plasmas, and to investigate small samples or microstructures of in- organic and organic materials by imaging them using laboratory light sources. Synchrotron radiation has been used to obtain a microbeam for a photoelectron scanning microscope. with a spatial resolution of 0.1 μm. The strucure and performance of two laboratory microscopes developed at Tohoku University are demonstrated. One of them is a soft X-ray emission imaging microscope. An image of an artificial pattern made of W and SiO2 on Si wafer by focusing Si L emission was presented. The other is an ultraviolet photoelectron scanning microscope using a The other valence band spectra of a microcrystal of FeWO4 were presented. Other applications such as demagnifying optics for lithography and optics to gather fluorescence for emission spectroscopy are presented.
目的三维肛肠超声扫描结合瘘管造影定位诊断肛瘘的临床研究。方法 24例肛瘘患者,分别在手术前开展三维肛肠超声扫描方式和瘘管造影定位诊断方式,对其诊断结果进行分析探讨。
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