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最近,农业部印发《关于贯彻党的十八届四中全会精神深入推进农业法治建设的意见》,围绕农业法治建设的主要领域和关键环节,从积极推进农业立法、着力强化农业执法、深入开展农业法治宣传教育、依法化解农业领域矛盾纠纷、切实提高农业部门依法行政能力五个方面,对今后一个时期农业法治建设作出全面部署。一深刻认识加强农业法治建设的重要性紧迫性 Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture issued the Opinions on Implementing the Spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and Further Promoting the Construction of Legal System in Agriculture. Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture issued the “Opinions on Implementing the Spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and Further Promoting the Construction of Legal System in Agriculture”. From the main areas and key links in the construction of the legal system of agriculture, from the perspective of actively promoting agricultural legislation and strengthening agricultural law enforcement, Agricultural rule of law publicity and education, resolving contradictions and disputes in the field of agriculture in accordance with the law, and earnestly improving the ability of the agricultural sector to administer the country according to law, making a comprehensive plan for the construction of the rule of law in agriculture in the coming period. A Profound Understanding of the Urgency of Strengthening the Construction of an Agricultural Rule of Law
在本指数的编制过程中,得到国际航协北京办事处的大力协助,谨致衷心感谢! In the process of compiling this index, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for the
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