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为研究典型工程措施在泥石流沟治理中的作用及影响,结合野外调查及历史资料,对云南东川城区的深沟泥石流治理进行总结:深沟在一系列坝系群建设和多年植树造林的治理下,发育了一定规模的阶梯—深潭系统,使沟道阻力明显增强(经测河床结构强度Sp达0.3以上),消减了泥石流能量,并保护河床不被侵蚀下切,岸坡稳定;而另一方面林草生长能提高植被覆盖度,抑制坡面侵蚀,使产沙减少,有利于阶梯—深潭系统发育从而维持较好的河流生态,促进了林木生长,如此形成良性循环,使泥石流沟成为秀美的森林公园。应用人工坝系和阶梯—深潭系统的组合是防治泥石流改善生态景观的近自然治理方略,有利于河流长期稳定,为山区河流治理提供了新的探索模式。然而,过度的人工治理有可能破坏自然阶梯—深潭系统,导致河流生态景观的损失。 In order to study the function and influence of typical engineering measures in debris flow ditch management, combined with the field investigation and historical data, the deep gully debris flow control in Dongchuan urban area of ​​Yunnan Province was summarized: a series of dam group construction and perennial afforestation management , The development of a certain scale of the ladder - deep pool system, the channel resistance was significantly enhanced (measured by the river bed structure strength Sp of 0.3 or more), reducing the debris flow energy, and protect the riverbed is not eroded under the cut, the slope stability; On the one hand, forest grass growth can improve vegetation coverage, inhibit slope erosion and reduce sediment production, which is conducive to the development of ladder-deep pool system to maintain good river ecology and promote the growth of forest trees, thus forming a virtuous circle that makes the debris flow ditch Become a beautiful forest park. The combination of artificial dam system and ladder - deep pool system is a near natural control strategy to prevent and control debris flow and improve ecological landscape. It is conducive to long-term stability of rivers and provides a new exploration mode for the management of mountain rivers. However, excessive manual management may undermine the natural ladder - deep pool system, leading to the loss of river ecological landscape.
Insects are poikilothermic animals, and temperature is one of the most important abiotic factors affecting their spread and distribution. For example, differenc