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近年来,全国各地频发儿童集体铅中毒案例,在家长中引起了不小的恐慌。铅污染对宝宝的危害已经越来越不容忽视了。环境干预是预防儿童铅中毒的根本措施,父母应尽可能地使宝宝少受到铅毒性的危害。什么是铅中毒?铅中毒是指环境中的铅经食物和呼吸途径进入人体,引起消化、神经、呼吸和免疫系统急性或慢性毒性影响,导致贫血、肠绞痛和肌肉瘫痪等病症,严重时可发生脑病甚至导致死亡。目前认为人体内铅含量超过100μg/L即为铅中毒。 In recent years, cases of frequent lead poisoning among children in various parts of the country have caused quite a lot of panic among parents. The harm of lead pollution to the baby has become more and more negligible. Environmental intervention is a fundamental measure to prevent childhood lead poisoning, parents should be as little as possible to make the baby less susceptible to lead toxicity. What is lead poisoning? Lead poisoning refers to the environment through the food of lead and breathing into the body, causing digestive, nervous, respiratory and immune system effects of acute or chronic toxicity, leading to anemia, colic and muscle paralysis and other serious illness Encephalopathy can occur and even lead to death. At present, the body that lead content of more than 100μg / L is lead poisoning.
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This paper presents an efficient numerical tool for the prediction of railway dynamic response. A behavior calibration of the infinite Euler-Bernoulli beam rest
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康宇 1959年出生在江西赣县一务农人家。1975年在家庭贫困交加中读完中学,随即回乡务农,其间历任生产队农科员、大队团干。1977年3月成为一名代课教员。1978年以全区第一名
  Objective Two novel neuropeptides, orexin-A and orexin-B, are identified as endogenous ligands of two orphan G-protein-coupled receptors: orexin 1 and orexi