体育俱乐部 我运动 我时尚

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足世纪是结合不同的运动概念开发出必要的流行,给你全方位的个性化服务的体育俱乐部。我们以一种新时尚角度走出不平凡的面貌,为各类体育运动和健身运动行销运鞋服装服饰和附件,我们志在打造运动新生命,塑造新时代时尚先锋的领导者的运动形象,并致于网上和网下全程主体服务,金足世纪始建于全球疯狂的2002年世足赛之前,这波运动风的圣火燃烧了多少青春的梦想。我们不再墨守成规,我们是新新人类,容不得半点装模做样的虚假,我们努力保持自己的本性,尽量以自己纯净的面目待人,自然我们在自己的着装中也寻找这样的契合点,从“奇装异服”到“运动时尚”从“怀旧”到“敢想敢做”我们不是再做种重复,而是超越时尚风格的旋前进,感受运动生活,引领时代潮流——这就是金足的宗旨。 The Century is a sports club that combines the needs of different sports concepts to develop the necessary popularity to give you a full range of personalized services. We take a new fashion perspective out of the ordinary face of sports and fitness for all types of sports shoes and apparel clothing and accessories marketing, we aim to create a new life campaign, shaping a new era of fashion leader in the movement of the image and To the whole body of online and offline services, the Golden Century was founded in the global madness before the 2002 World Cup, this wave of movement of the Torch burning how much the dream of youth. We are no longer stick to the rules, we are new and new humans, can not tolerate the slightest fake imitation, we strive to maintain their own nature, try to treat others with their own purity, of course, we are in their own dress is also looking for such a fit point, From “Fancy Dress” to “Sporting Fashion” From “nostalgia” to “daring to dare to do it” We are not going to do the same kind of repetition, but we go beyond the fashion style to feel the sports life and lead the trend of the times - purpose.
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