6月1日至3日,沈阳音乐学院民乐系邀请著名作曲家顾冠仁先生来院讲学并举办作品专场音乐会。顾冠仁先生是我国著名作曲家,历任上海民族乐团团长、艺术总监、中国民族管弦乐学会副会长、中国音乐家协会理事、民族音乐委员会副主任、中国民族管弦乐学会荣誉会长,享受国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴。顾先生毕生致力于现代民族管弦乐作品的创作与研究,主要作品共计3 0余首,出版
June 1 to 3, Shenyang Conservatory of Music Folk Music Department invited the famous composer Mr. Gu Guanren to give lectures and hold special concerts. Mr. Gu Guanren is a famous composer in China. He has been the head of Shanghai National Orchestra, artistic director, vice president of China National Orchestra Society, director of Chinese Musicians Association, deputy director of National Music Committee, honorary president of China Nationalities Orchestra Association, Special government allowance. Mr. Gu devoted his life to the creation and research of modern national orchestral works, with more than 30 major works published and published