在进入本“提要”正文之前,请同学们一起来读一读下面这首李白的诗:《春夜洛城闻笛》谁家玉笛暗飞声.散入东风满洛城。此夜曲中闻折柳,何人不起故园情。[注] 唐朝玄宗开元二十三年(公元735年)李白客居洛阳.当年春天的一个晚上,他听见远处随风吹来了悠扬的笛声,那哀怨的曲调《折扬柳》,引起了诗人对故乡的深切怀念,因而写了上面这首七绝。诗的意思是:谁家的笛吹出了美妙的乐声,随着柔和的春风传遍了洛城。在这夜深人静的时刻,哀怨伤别的《折扬柳》曲声在耳边回绕,有谁能不勾起怀念故乡的愁思啊![附录一]
Before entering the main body of this Synopsis, please join the students to read the following poem Li Bai: “Spring Night Los Angeles flute” who Yude Fei dark sound. This nocturne Wenliu, who can not afford the park situation. [Note] Tang Dynasty Xuanzong Kaiyuan twenty-three years (AD 735) Li Bai guest Luoyang .In the spring of one night, he heard the distant wind blowing a melodious flute, the sad tunes, Aroused the poet's deep nostalgia for his hometown, thus wrote above the first seven must. The poetic meaning is: Whose flute blew the wonderful music, with the gentle spring breeze spread to Los Angeles. In this dead of night, Sadly hurt another “Folding Willow” song back in the ear, who can not evoke melancholy miss hometown ah! [Appendix I]