
来源 :幸福家庭 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pastleaves
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饮茶及与茶有关的一切,是一种文化现象。中国茶文化的发展,在某种程度上得益于历史上失意文人沉湎于茶艺或茶道,在茶中享受人生,在茶中倾注中国的儒释道思想。唐以前,茶是加上调料炒后饮用,陆羽创造了清饮,清爽简约的饮茶之风绵延至今。陆羽以后,茶走向固定程式,选料制作、饮用器具及环境都由精细烦琐程序串连起来,升华出形而上的茶道,饮茶活动也披上了浓厚的儒道色彩的文化外衣,成为不可或缺的生活细节。有好茶者,宁可一日无食,不可 Drinking tea and everything related to tea is a cultural phenomenon. To some extent, the development of Chinese tea culture has benefited from the historically frustrated scholar indulging in tea art or tea ceremony, enjoying life in tea and devoting Chinese Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in tea. Before the Tang Dynasty, the tea was added with seasoning after drinking, Lu Yu has created a clear drink, fresh and simple style of tea stretching so far. After Lu Yu, the tea went to a fixed program, the selection of materials, the drinking utensils and the environment were linked by elaborate cumbersome procedures to sublimate the out-of-the-way tea ceremony. The tea-drinking activities were also covered with a rich culture of Confucianism and Taoism, becoming indispensable Lack of life details. Good tea, rather no food, no
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很多年了,我再次看到如此干净月光  在周末的郊区,黑夜亮出了名片  将我照成一尊雕塑  舍不得回房  几个老人在月色中闲聊  关于今年的收成和明春的打算  一个说:杂粮涨价了,明年改种红薯  一个说:橘子价贱,烂在了树上  月光敞亮,年轻人退回大树的阴影  他们低声呢喃,相互依偎  大地在变暖,隐秘的愿望  草一般在心底生长  而屋内,孩子已经熟睡  脸蛋纯洁而稚气  他的父母坐在床沿  其中一个
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新的课程标准,对化学计算的要求虽降低了,但对学生的综合计算能力却提出了更高的要求,与此相适应的是在近几年来的全国各地中考中,频频出现了一类能够体现新课程理念的新型计算题,这些计算题较好考查了学生的知识迁移能力、科学探究能力、实验能力和创新精神等,着力体现中考化学的命题由知识立意向能力立意的转变。  一、图像型计算题  例1(2014·烟台)某兴趣小组在实验室发现一瓶敞口久置的氢氧化钠和一瓶未标浓度