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改革开放以来,我国兴办的五个经济特区,都坚持以发展生产力为中心,以改革开放为突破口,以市场经济为改革的方向,发挥各自所具有的优势,初步奠定了“龙头”地位。然而,汕头经济特区既无深圳、珠海毗邻香港与澳门的独特的区位优势,也无海南独立建省,成为中国最大特区的规模和气势;虽面对台湾,可由于面积小、起步晚、基础产业滞后,也失去了象厦门那样捷足先登的机缘,从而在中国五个经济特区的建设中略显逊色。但素以勤劳朴实、艰苦奋斗著称的潮汕人民,不甘落后,大胆解放思想,勇于开拓,从自己的条件和实际出发,坚持整体规划、分期分批开发建设,大环境依托老市区,小环境自行配套的作法,以建设龙湖工业区为重点,相配套地建设港口码头区、农业水产区、金融商业区、住宅区和旅游娱乐区等,并发动特区内的农村和企业,自筹资金开辟珠池、广澳、渔港等6个小加工区,较快地改善了投资环境,取得了较好的经济和社会效益,显示了自身独具的特色。 Since the implementation of the policy of reform and opening up, all five special economic zones established by our country have consistently laid the “leading” status by focusing on the development of productive forces, opening up through reform and opening up, and taking market economy as the direction of reform in order to exert their respective advantages. However, neither Shantou SEZ has the unique geographical advantages of Shenzhen and Zhuhai adjoining Hong Kong and Macao, nor Hainan’s independent establishment as the size and momentum of the largest SEZ in China. While facing Taiwan, due to its small size, late start and foundation The industry lagged behind and lost the opportunity to move forward as quickly as Xiamen so that it was slightly inferior in the construction of China’s five special economic zones. However, Chaoshan people, who are known for their hardworking, simple and hard work, are not far behind. They boldly emancipate their minds and bravely develop them. They proceed from their own conditions and realities, adhere to the overall plan, and develop and construct them in batches. The environment depends on the old urban areas and the small environment To support the construction of Longhu Industrial Zone as the focus, supporting the construction of port and dock area, agricultural and fishery areas, financial and commercial areas, residential areas and tourism and entertainment areas, and start the SAR’s rural areas and enterprises, self-financing to open up Zhuchi, Guang’ao, fishing ports and other six small processing zones, faster to improve the investment environment, and achieved good economic and social benefits, showing its own unique characteristics.
Introduction Coumarines have been recently paid much attention for their physiological activities and fluorescent properties.They have outstanding optical prope
Experimental measurements of EOS have more and more attention from many physical fields, such as physical geography, astrophysics, ICF, science of material, phy
2001年底,韩国“流氓兔”又称“贱兔”以 flash 的形式侵入中国,它一脸坏笑,大耍无赖,在时尚一族中迅速走红,贱兔的风靡仿佛预示一种崭新生活方式的即将到来。果然整个2002