
来源 :吉林教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jimzhan
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我校作为一所省属重点中学,所招收的学生均具有较好的综合素质,可是每届初中毕业生当中都会有一些以较好的数学成绩升学,但在高中阶段其数学成绩迅速下降的学生,甚至有些以往数学方面的优等生变成了学习后进生。一小部分学生面对数学会产生畏难心理和厌学情绪,并完全放弃学习数学。那么学生畏惧学习数学、学习成绩降低是何种原因?又有什么样的对策?本文对于初中与高中数学教学的实际情况进行了深入的研究和对比。并从下述两个层面来进行阐述: As a provincial key middle school, our school recruits students with better overall qualifications. However, each junior middle school graduate has some students who have better math scores but their math scores drop rapidly in high school. Students, and even some of the best math students in the past, have become post-secondary students. A small number of students in the face of mathematics will be mentally craving and tired of learning emotions, and completely give up learning mathematics. So what are the reasons why students are afraid of learning mathematics and their academic performance is lowered? What kind of countermeasures are there? This article makes an in-depth study and comparison of the actual situation of mathematics teaching in junior middle school and high school. And from the following two aspects to elaborate:
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Motivation is always a dominatant factor in second language learning and teaching. Dornyei once suggested his model of learners’ motivation, which is, language
因1991年以来秘鲁等国几度爆发霍乱并从环境中分离到霍乱弧菌,迫切需要建立一种简单、快速、价廉和高特异性检测01群霍乱弧菌的方法。 作者用从秘鲁和智利霍乱病例分离的O1