
来源 :广东农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hbhhl2006
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近十多年来,稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟、稻瘿蚊的发生数量相继上升,成为广东省为害水稻的重要害虫。据我们的分析,主要由下面两个因素决定的:1、水稻宽叶矮秆品种的广泛栽培,插植密度增大,肥料用量增加,从栽培条件来说有利于这几种害虫的大量发生;2、大面积不恰当的、大量而连续的施用广谱性化学杀虫剂,导致稻田各类害虫天敌数量的严重凋落,成了这些害虫大量发生的重要因素。 In the recent ten years, the number of rice planthoppers, rice leafroller and rice gall midge have all increased one after another and become important pests for rice damage in Guangdong Province. According to our analysis, mainly by the following two factors: 1, broad-leaved varieties of broad-leaved rice cultivation, planting density increased, the amount of fertilizer increased from the cultivation conditions conducive to the occurrence of these pests in large numbers ; 2, a large area is not appropriate, a large number of continuous and continuous application of broad-spectrum chemical pesticides, leading to a variety of pests in paddy fields, the number of serious natural enemies of litter, has become an important factor in the large number of these pests.
茜草科的猪殃殃(Galium aparine L.Var。tenerum(Gren.et Godr.)Rebb.),紫草科的麦家公(Lithospermum arvense L.),豆科的大巢菜(Vieia sativa L.)和禾本科的野燕麦(Avena f
2009年哈萨克斯坦卫生保健部门的物质技术设备开支预计将从1 58亿坚戈缩减到9 1亿坚戈。经济与预算计划部副部长列娜·卡尔马济娜解释说,缩减卫生保健部门的开支为的是使购买
当一如往年提交自己的政协提案时,潘耀民并没有想到,一个小小的馒头竟有如此大的话题能量。2月21日,济南民天面粉有限责任公司副总经理潘耀民在济南市政协会 When, as in pr
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大自然丰富多变,时而阴晴圆缺,时而风雨雷电。这万千气象构成了大自然的五彩缤纷,也走进了音乐家的笔下。今天我们就一起来聊聊音乐中的“风雨雷电”吧。 Nature is rich an
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玉米丝黑穗菌冬孢子在自来水中一般萌发率低,蒸馏水比自来水稍好些.白金铠等对高粱丝黑穗菌冬孢子及吴新兰等对玉米丝黑穗菌冬孢子在糖类中萌发率都较高. 为了明确糖类对不