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烟草原产于美洲,1492年,哥伦布发现美洲新大陆后便陆续流传到了全世界。到目前为止,已有充分证据表明包括某些癌症、心血管及肺部疾患在内的20多种疾病皆与烟草有关,“吸烟危害健康”已在全世界成为共识。据世界卫生组织统计,全球13亿烟民中有6.5亿人早逝,每年有500万人死于与吸烟有关的疾病,烟草已成为继高血压之后的第二号全球杀手。如果不加以控制,这一数字到2020年时可能翻倍,世卫组织为此警告说,“吸烟危害猛于非典和海啸”。而据世界银行的一项研究报告,为解决吸烟引发的健康问题,各国已“埋单”2000亿美元!但与此同时,烟草至今仍然是世界上最大宗、最活跃的商品。毫无疑问,烟草已成为危害人类健康的最大的心腹之患。面对如此现状,国际社会加快了全球控烟的行动与步伐。2005年2月底,由167国签署的联合国世界卫生组织第一个具有国际法约束力的《烟草控制框架公约》(以下简称“公约”)正式在57国生效。其余各国(包括美国)或在政府部门受阻挠,或根本未提上政府议程。有关公约也未能在中国生效,政府受阻于各方压力,暂不立法执行《公约》。中国与“世界接轨”,完成全面禁烟,减少与吸烟有关疾病的国际负担的诚意不容质疑,那么,是什么阻挡了它的脚步? Tobacco originated in the Americas, 1492, Columbus discovered the New World of the Americas will gradually spread to the world. So far, there is sufficient evidence that more than 20 kinds of diseases, including certain cancer, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, are related to tobacco. “Smoking is harmful to health” has become the consensus all over the world. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, 650 million of the 1.3 billion smokers worldwide die prematurely, and 5 million people die each year from smoking-related diseases. Tobacco has become the No. 2 global killer after high blood pressure. If left unchecked, that figure could double by 2020, warning WHO that “smoking is harming fierce against SARS and the tsunami.” According to a World Bank study, in order to solve the health problems caused by smoking, all countries have “bill” 200 billion U.S. dollars! But at the same time, tobacco is still the largest and most active commodity in the world. There is no doubt that tobacco has become the biggest henchman of endangering human health. Faced with this situation, the international community has stepped up its actions and pace of global tobacco control. At the end of February 2005, the first UN Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (hereinafter referred to as the “Convention”) of the UN World Health Organization signed by 167 countries took effect officially in 57 countries. The rest of the countries (including the United States) are either obstructed by government departments or not at all on the government agenda. The relevant conventions also failed to come into force in China. The government was hindered by the pressure from all parties and not yet enacted into law to implement the Convention. China is not allowed to doubt its sincerity in implementing the principle of “keeping the world in line with” and completing a comprehensive ban on smoking and reducing the international burden of smoking-related diseases. What then stopped it?
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