Mexican Clothing

来源 :第二课堂(英语版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xtzy
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  When talking about Mexican clothing, we must necessarily separate them into three main groups:
  Modern clothes
  Traditional Mexican clothing
  Celebration dresses and costumes
  In big cities, modern Mexican clothing do not differ very much from the clothes we use everyday. Young Mexican people usually wear clothes like T-shirts, sneakers and jeans. But this changes a lot when we get out of the main cities and look into smaller towns, where we can see modern clothes with a “native” feeling, which is shown mainly by the colors chosen. People who live there seem to have a preference for earth-like colors, like brown or dark red, although it is not uncommon to find bright greens and strong yellows as part of the clothes’ colors.
  Traditional Mexican clothing has native and European styles. The material among the Mexicans are cotton, bark and agave, as well as wool and silk. In the past, Mexican clothing was dyed with natural local plants, but as soon as aniline dyes were brought from Europe they became the first dying choice. We can find many kinds of traditional Mexican clothing, and it can be separated by sex, social status and race. For instance, clothes worn by women differ from those worn by men, and native clothing is different to the clothing with foreign styles. Mexican clothing for men is mostly “European-like”, but for women is more native.
  As for Mexican clothing used on celebrations, we can find a different costume for almost every special day of the year. National festivities are celebrated with typical clothes. Some special days like the Day of the Death are closely related to religion, and that can be seen on the costumes too.
  (Do you like Mexican clothes? Why?)
  童家鑫 改编
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