
来源 :中央民族学院分院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Monkeysct
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(一) 我们正处于一个伟大的历史时代,即帝国主义和无产阶级革命的时代,社会主义、共产主义胜利的时代。目前形势的特点,就是和平的力量压倒了战争的力量,世界各国人民的力量压倒了反动的力量,社会主义的力量压倒了帝国主义的力量。这个形势,大大有利于各国人民争取和平、民族独立、民主自由和社会主义的斗争。这是全世界人民斗争的伟大结果。但是,革命的任务并没有完成,以美国为首的帝国主义与全世界人民的这一不可调和的主要矛盾并没 (A) We are at a time of great history, that is, the era of imperialism and proletarian revolution, the victory of socialism and communism. The current situation is characterized by the fact that the forces of peace overpower the forces of war, that the forces of the peoples of the world overpower the forces of reaction and that the forces of socialism overpower the forces of imperialism. This situation is greatly conducive to the struggle of peoples for peace, national independence, democratic freedom and socialism. This is a great result of the people’s struggle throughout the world. However, the task of revolution has not been completed. The irreconcilable main contradiction between the imperialists headed by the United States and the people of the entire world has not.
Inclusion body myositis (IBM) is the most frequent inflammatory myopathy over the age of fifty. Pathological findings suggest that two processes may contribute
Congenital neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinosis (NCL) is a devastating inherited neurodegenerative disorder of unknown metabolic basis. Eight patients with this rare
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尽管官署是国家的象征,士民观瞻之所系,但清代州县官署并非像人们想象的那样富丽堂皇,相反,大多数简陋不堪。几百年过去,能够侥幸完整留存下来的,却只有河南内乡县衙。单与那些早已消失在历史尘埃里影迹难寻的县级衙门来说,内乡县衙无疑是幸运的。  内乡县衙历史可追溯到距今七百多年前的元朝大德八年,明朝初年也曾重新修建过,以后在原址上又屡建屡毁。到清康熙年间政府又拨资重建,当时房舍达三百余间,可是咸丰七年又因
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