抓住机遇 商海扬帆——记哈尔滨市南岗区文化街道办事处

来源 :中国市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cai2008
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在高度计划经济体制下形成并长期按旧模式运行的街道工作,如何摆脱只管居民吃喝、婚丧嫁娶等旧套路,寻找适合市场经济形势,在商品经济大潮中扬帆远航,是城市街道工作的新起点。哈尔滨市南岗区文化街道办事处摸索出一套力度大,路子新,质量好,效果佳的办法。 经过近两年的努力,他们的街道经济得到较快的发展。1997年在1996年产值10180万元,利税1000万元的基础上,实现产值401700万元,利税4300万元,从而迈进了全市经济十强街道办事处的行列,1998年上半年实现综合税金1200万元,利润1900万元,产值28700万元,预计到年末可实现税金2500万元,利 How to get rid of the old routine of eating and drinking, marriage and funeral, looking for suitable market economy and sailing in the tide of commodity economy? How to work in the streets of urban areas? The new starting point. Harbin Nangang District Cultural Street Office worked out a set of efforts, new ways, good quality and good results. After nearly two years of hard work, their street economy has developed rapidly. On the basis of the output value of 101.8 million yuan in 1996 and the profits and taxes of 10 million yuan in 1997, the output value reached 4,017 million yuan and the profits and taxes were 43 million yuan. As a result, it has entered the ranks of the top 10 economic subdistrict offices in the city. In the first half of 1998, the comprehensive tax amount of 1,200 yuan Million, a profit of 19 million yuan, the output value of 287 million yuan, is expected to be taxable by the end of 25 million yuan
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贵州毕节杜鹃花节 时间:4月中旬——5月中旬 地点:黔西县4月上旬——4月中旬 大方县4月中旬4月下旬 贵州省百里杜鹃风景名胜区位于贵州西北部毕节地区黔西县与大方县交界处
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