希戎,一座只有10万人口的小城。一座整年被雪山、森林和绿地环绕的天然大花园。一座正在申办冬奥会的城市。除此之外,希戎还有鲜为人知的另一种光荣——作为瑞士瓦莱州的州府,它还是现任国际足联主席布拉特和秘书长鲁菲南的家乡。我们这次专程从苏黎世来到希戎,主要目的就是为了在世界杯开幕之前,听听鲁菲南对世界足球特别是中国足球的看法。记者:听到中国队出线的消息后,您是一种什么样的心情? 鲁菲南:很高兴。在帮助中国足球的发展方面,国际足联做
Xi Rong, a town of 100,000 people. A year-round natural garden surrounded by snow-capped mountains, forests and greenery. A city that is bidding for the Winter Olympics. In addition to this, there is another little known glory Rong - as the state of Valais, Switzerland, it is also the current president of FIFA Blatter and Secretary-General Ruffei Nan’s hometown. Our special trip to Xi Rong from Zurich this time, the main purpose is to open before the World Cup, to listen to Ruffian on the world football, especially Chinese football’s view. Reporter: After hearing the news of the Chinese team qualifying, what kind of mood are you? Ruffian: I am very happy. To help the development of Chinese football, FIFA do