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上海地基属软土地基,多层建筑物多采用浅基础,如条形基础、十字交叉基础、片筏基础或箱型基础。但由于上海的土层分布不均,地下水位很高,如果地基勘探不详、设计考虑不周、施工有误或使用不当等,极容易造成建筑物的不均匀沉降,引起建筑物倾斜。如果倾斜值超过了《建筑地基基础设计规范》(GBJ7-89)中的允许值,就会严重影响正常使用,甚至成为危房。在上述情况下,必须进行稳定 The foundation of Shanghai is a soft soil foundation, and multi-storey buildings mostly use shallow foundations such as a strip foundation, a crisscross foundation, a flake foundation or a box foundation. However, due to the uneven distribution of soil layers in Shanghai, the groundwater level is very high. If the foundation exploration is not detailed, the design is not well considered, the construction is wrong or the use is improper, etc., it is very easy to cause uneven settlement of the building and cause the building to tilt. If the tilt value exceeds the allowable value in the “Code for Design of Foundations for Building Foundations” (GBJ7-89), it will seriously affect the normal use and even become a dangerous room. In the above situation, it must be stabilized
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本文介绍某房屋发生倾斜情况,并对该斜楼的加固方法及房屋意外回倾现状进行分析。 This article describes the tilt of a house, and analyzes the method of reinforcemen
2006年11月17日,上海中学高三学生邓贝西坐在上海至河南商丘的火车上,随身带了两大包图书和文具他要去的是河南商丘市罗叶县塔木村(化名),这是一个 On November 17, 2006, D
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