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本文应用氩激光虹膜切除术及其联合周边虹膜成形术治疗原发性闭角型青光眼228只,平均随访10月,眼压控制率90.4%。本文从眼压、C 值、视力、前房深度、房角改变及术后激发试验等方面评价疗效。结果:眼压从术前平均22.6毫米汞柱下降至16.7-17.5毫米汞柱(P<0.01),C 值平均增加11%,周边前房深度从0.18毫米增加到0.33毫米,窄角指数从12.4降至8.4-9.8,窄4象限的个数由1.6减少到0.4-0.5,术后毛果芸香硷—新福林试验全部阴性。本文首次研究激光治疗前后的周边前房深度,证实激光虹膜切除术对前房深度的影响主要是导致周边前房的加深;本文首次采用毛果芸香硷—新福林试验检查激光治疗后瞳孔阻滞状况,显示术后瞳孔阻滞完全解除;本文设计以动态前房角镜检查时窄角指数和窄4象限个数为指标,对治疗前后的房角进行相对定量比较。结果表明,氩激光虹膜切除术及其联合周边虹膜成形术是原发性闭角型青光眼有效而安全的治疗方法。 In this paper, 228 cases of primary angle-closure glaucoma were treated with argon laser iridotomy combined with peripheral iridoplasty. The average follow-up was 10 months and the IOP control rate was 90.4%. This article from the intraocular pressure, C value, visual acuity, anterior chamber depth, angle changes and postoperative stimulation test evaluation of efficacy. Results: The intraocular pressure decreased from 22.6 mm Hg to 16.7-17.5 mm Hg (P <0.01), the average C increased by 11%, the peripheral anterior chamber depth increased from 0.18 mm to 0.33 mm, and the narrow angle index increased from 12.4 To 8.4-9.8. The number of narrow 4-quadrant decreased from 1.6 to 0.4-0.5. Pilocybin-neo-Fulin test was negative after surgery. This paper first study the depth of the peripheral anterior chamber before and after laser treatment, confirming the laser iridectomy on the depth of the anterior chamber is mainly leading to the peripheral anterior chamber deepened; this article for the first time using pilocarpine - new Forint test laser examination after the pupil resistance Hysterectomy, showing the complete removal of postoperative pupil block; this article designed to dynamic gonocular angle narrow angle index and a narrow number of 4 quadrants as an indicator of the relative quantitative comparison of the angle before and after treatment. The results show that argon laser iridotomy combined with peripheral iris angioplasty is an effective and safe treatment for primary angle-closure glaucoma.
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