
来源 :中国老区建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjt518
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7月26日至27日,黑龙江省老区建设工作经验交流会在哈尔滨市召开。省委副书记周同战,省委常委、哈尔滨市委书记杨永茂,原省政协主席、省老区建设促进会会长马国良,哈尔滨市委副书记王颖出席会议并讲话。省级离退休老同志赵德尊、李剑白等在主席台就座。省委副书记周同战在会上讲话强调,要站在实践“三个代表”重要思想的高度,尽快实现老区脱贫致富奔小康的伟大目标;充分发挥老促会优势,为老区开发建设做出新的贡献;各级党委政府要切实加强对老区建设的领导。为老促会开展工作创造良好的环境。省委常委、哈尔滨市委书记杨永茂在讲话中说,我们要立足现有、挖掘潜能,追逐应有、创新发展,在使老区人民尽快富裕起来的工作中在全省切实起到“龙头”作用。原省政协主席、省老区建设促进会会长马国良代表省老促会做工作发言。 From July 26 to July 27, the exchange of experiences and experiences in the construction of the old district of Heilongjiang Province was held in Harbin. Zhou Weizhan, deputy secretary of the provincial Party committee, the provincial party committee, Harbin municipal Party committee secretary Yang Yongmao, the former provincial CPPCC Chairman, the provincial construction promotion association Ma Guoliang, Harbin Municipal Committee Wang Ying, deputy secretary attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Provincial retired veteran Zhao Dezun and Li Jianbai took seats on the rostrum. At the meeting, Zhou Tzu-wen, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, stressed at the meeting that we must stand at the height of practicing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ realize the great goal of getting rid of poverty and building a prosperous old town as soon as possible, give full play to the advantages of the old society and do a good job in the development and construction of the old quarter Make new contributions; party committees and governments at all levels should conscientiously strengthen the leadership of the construction of the old areas. To promote the work of the old society to create a good environment. In his speech, Yang Yongmao, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Harbin Municipal Party Committee, said in his speech: We must base ourselves on existing issues, tap the potentials, pursue what we should, innovate and develop, and effectively promote the people in the old areas to become affluent in the province as soon as possible. "effect. Former provincial CPPCC Chairman, Provincial Construction Promotion Association chairman Ma Guoliang on behalf of the Provincial Association for Promoting work to speak.
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人生由千千万万个瞬间组成,这些瞬间拼接而成一幅绚烂多姿的生活画卷,画卷上拥有不同色调的描摹,而这些描摹中蕴含了画图人精致的心思,同时也展现了他们不同寻常的人生。  人是一種感性的动物,时空在我们的头脑中不再只是自然的呈现,往往还是我们精神世界的经纬,很多精彩的瞬间往往会被我们定格在头脑中。当然,人是一种容易感伤的动物,每当人们在抱怨命运不公、不愿积极面对生活时,那一瞬间机会就从他面前一闪即过了。当
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