使用生物柴油混合燃料对GE Tier2干线机车排放的影响

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本文介绍了标定牵引功率为3280kW、符合Tier2标准的GE ES44DC干线机车的排放测试结果和使用生物柴油混合燃料对机车排放的影响。使用含硫约400ppm的试验燃料进行基准排放测试,然后分别使用掺混比为2%、10%、20%和100%的生物柴油(由大豆提炼的)进行测试。气态和颗粒排放物按照美国联邦法规第40章92款进行采样。测试结果表明,与基础油相比,在美国环保局(EPA)干线机车牵引循环和调车循环时每种掺混油的颗粒物(PM)排放量均有所降低。混合10%生物柴油时,PM排放量降低最为显著。相比较而言,继续增加生物柴油比例对于进一步促进PM排放降低的效果有限。使用生物柴油时,就PM排放而言,调车循环比干线循环时降低更显著。使用B2、B10、B20混合燃料时循环加权氮氧化物(NOx)排放量的增加不明显,在试验误差范围内。然而,使用B100燃料干线机车牵引循环时NOx排放增加近15%。除使用纯生物柴油时碳氢化合物(HC)排放在干线和调车分别降低了21%和24%外,其他各工况碳氢化合物排放量在正常试验误差内。与使用基准油相比,测得干线牵引循环下使用B20和B100燃料一氧化碳排放量分别降低了17%和24%。使用B2和B10混合燃料时,体积燃油消耗增加了约1%。使用B20混合燃料时,体积燃油消耗略高于2%,使用B100燃料时增加了近7%。 This article describes the emissions test results of a GE ES44DC Trolley locomotive with a nominal traction power of 3280 kW and Tier 2 compliance and the effect of biodiesel blends on locomotive emissions. Benchmark emission tests were conducted using a test fuel containing about 400 ppm sulfur and were then tested using biodiesel (refined from soybeans) at blending ratios of 2%, 10%, 20% and 100%, respectively. Gaseous and particulate emissions are sampled in accordance with section 92 of Title 92 of the United States Code of Federal Regulations. The test results showed that compared with the base oil, particulate matter (PM) emissions decreased for each blended oil during the US EPA EPA traction and shunting cycles. When 10% biodiesel was blended, the reduction in PM emissions was most pronounced. In comparison, continuing to increase the biodiesel ratio has limited effectiveness in further reducing PM emissions. In the case of biodiesel, the shunt cycle is more pronounced than the mains cycle in terms of PM emissions. The use of B2, B10, B20 mixed fuel cycle-weighted NOx emissions increase is not obvious, within the experimental error. However, NOx emissions increased nearly 15% when using the B100 fuel-line locomotive traction cycle. Except for pure biodiesel, hydrocarbon emissions were reduced by 21% and 24% for mainline and shunting respectively, and hydrocarbon emissions for all other operating conditions were within normal test error. Carbon monoxide emissions measured using the B20 and B100 fuels under the dry traction cycle were reduced by 17% and 24%, respectively, compared with the baseline oil. With B2 and B10 blends, volumetric fuel consumption increased by about 1%. With B20 blends, the volumetric fuel consumption is slightly above 2% and with B100 fuel an increase of nearly 7%.
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