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MHD-Arc-Ramjet联合循环发动机中电弧数目的增加会改变发动机的循环结构,影响发动机的性能。理论上分析了MHD-Arc-Ramjet联合循环发动机中电弧数目的增加对发动机单位推力的影响,讨论了电弧数目趋于无穷大时的发动机性能,定量给出了不同电弧数目下的发动机单位推力。结果表明,MHD-Arc-Ramjet联合循环发动机的单位推力随着电弧数目的增加而增加;当电弧数目趋于无穷大时,发动机单位推力存在最大值;增加电弧数目所获得的发动机单位推力的增益随着电弧数目的增加而不断减缓。 The increase in the number of arcs in a MHD-Arc-Ramjet combined cycle engine can change the engine’s cycle structure and affect engine performance. The influence of the increase of the number of arcs in MHD-Arc-Ramjet combined cycle engines on the unit thrust is theoretically analyzed. The performance of the engine when the number of arcs tends to infinity is discussed, and the unit thrusts of the engines are quantitatively given under different arc numbers. The results show that the unit thrust of the MHD-Arc-Ramjet combined cycle engine increases with the increase of the number of arcs. When the number of arcs reaches infinity, the unit thrust of the engine has the maximum value. The gain of the unit thrust increases with the increase of the number of arcs. As the number of arcs increases, it slows down.
从现存墓志及传世文献中勾稽唐代曾应“八科举”者凡19人,通过考察其应举事迹,认为“八科举”大致存在于唐高宗朝,源于制举诏令设八科以选人。 From the extant essays and
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研究了在0.2 T的磁场作用下,采用微乳液法以十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)为乳化剂,过硫酸铵(APS)为氧化剂,大分子磺基水杨酸(SSA)为掺杂剂制备导电聚苯胺(PAn),并结合红外光谱、X
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