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一、项目背景随着经济的全球化,中国已经成为世界印刷业的加工基地,一些大中型印刷厂有30%以上的业务来自海外。近十年来数字印刷技术的产业化带来印刷行业发展史上的又一次技术革命,CTP技术、数码印刷技术,喷墨印刷技术等已经加入了传统印刷行业的竞争领域。此外,印刷企业管理也逐步与国际接轨,ERP等先进管理技术在一些印刷厂推广应用,无纸化办公、远程数码打样在部分印刷厂已经成为现实。在经济日益全球化的今天,传统的印刷技术和经营管理模式已经不能适应现代印刷企业发展的要求。为了迎接印刷新技术的挑战,为了适应现代印刷企业发展管理的要求,培养一批能够掌握新技术,又能够适应新型企业管理急需的高层次人才已成当务之急。针对印刷企业的发展需要和强烈呼声,在成功举办2007、2008两期研修班的基础上,特开办2009年(第三期)印刷新技术与生产管理高级研修班。 I. Project Background With the globalization of economy, China has become the processing base of the world’s printing industry. Some large and medium-sized printing plants have more than 30% of their business from overseas. The industrialization of digital printing technology in the past decade has brought another technological revolution in the history of the printing industry. CTP technology, digital printing technology and inkjet printing technology have joined the competition field of the traditional printing industry. In addition, the printing business management has gradually with the international standards, ERP and other advanced management techniques in some printing plant promotion and application of paperless office, remote digital proofing in some printing has become a reality. In today’s increasingly global economy, the traditional printing technology and management model can no longer meet the requirements of the development of modern printing enterprises. In order to meet the challenge of printing new technologies, in order to meet the requirements of the development and management of modern printing enterprises, it is imperative to train a group of high-level talents capable of mastering new technologies and meeting the urgent needs of new-type enterprise management. In response to the development needs of printing enterprises and strong voices, the successful implementation of 2007,2008 two seminars, based on the special 2009 (third phase) printing technology and production management advanced seminar.
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