关于诗的意境,论及者颇多。但见仁见智,确系永不褪色之话题。鉴于斯,笔者闲话一二,以凑热闹是也。 意境即境界。意:是指作者的情感和思想;境,是指经作者提炼而描绘的客观事物的形象。意境指作者对社会生活和自然景物的描写与其主观思想感情融为一体,构成一个鲜明而独特的、富有立体感的艺术天地。 唐代温庭筠《高山早行》云:“鸡声茅店月,人迹板桥霜”。作者只用了十个字,就十分清晰地勾勒出了一幅山村秋景的图画。其间有破晓的鸡啼,有晨风中的茅舍,有西坠的
There is a lot of talk about the artistic conception of poetry. However, it is a matter of opinion. It is indeed a topic that never fades. In view of Sri Lanka, I gossip one or two to join in excitement. Artistic concept is realm. Meaning: refers to the author’s emotions and thoughts; context refers to the image of objective things depicted by the author’s refinement. Artistic concept refers to the author’s description of social life and natural scenery combined with his subjective thoughts and feelings, which constitutes a distinctive and unique, three-dimensional art world. In the Tang Dynasty, Wen Tingyun’s “Mountain Morning Strikes” cloud: “The sound of chickens and chickens in the shop month, the track and bridge frost.” The author used only ten words to draw a clear picture of the autumn landscape of the village. In the meantime, there are broken chickens, a hut in the morning breeze, and a sinking in the West.