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我国是世界上国际河流最多的国家之一,国际河流开发与利用对我国经济的可持续发展具有重要的作用。但现实情况是,我国在国际河流中与其他国家之间存在诸多的矛盾和利益之争。如何在国际河流开发中实现双赢是本文关注的焦点。文章运用比较分析、实证分析等研究方法,回顾了我国国际河流开发与利用的现状,我国在国际河流开发与利用中存在的诸如:国际河流可持续开发利用的国际合作不充分、信息交流缺乏等问题。文章针对上述问题从权利义务平衡的维度、信息共享的维度和利益衡量的维度多视角提供解决问题的具体途径。最终得出结论:流域各国在国际河流开发与利用应遵循国际法基本准则,流域各国在开发利用国际河流过程中,必须以流域的整体利益为基础,加强对话,实现国家间的合作与协调。 China is one of the most international rivers in the world, and the development and utilization of international rivers play an important role in the sustainable development of our economy. However, the reality is that there are many conflicts between China and other countries in international rivers and conflicts of interest. How to achieve a win-win situation in the development of international rivers is the focus of this article. This paper reviews the status quo of the development and utilization of international rivers in our country by means of comparative analysis and empirical analysis. The international cooperation in international river development and utilization such as inadequate international cooperation in international river sustainable development and utilization, lack of information exchange, etc. problem. The article provides specific solutions to the above problems from the perspective of the balance of rights and obligations, the dimension of information sharing and the dimension of benefit measurement. At last, it concludes that all countries in the basin should follow the basic norms of international law in the development and utilization of international rivers. In developing and utilizing international rivers, all countries in the basin must strengthen dialogue and achieve cooperation and coordination among countries based on the overall interests of the basin.
1 案例资料rn1.1 简要案情及临床经过rn汪某,女,19岁.2013年7月17日因“怀孕9月余,下腹疼痛数次”到某妇产科医院就诊.入院体检:体温36.8℃,脉搏80 次/min,呼吸20次/min,血压
从2012年12月全球领先第三方检测认证机构UL在华启动室内空气质量服务至今,一年时光飞逝而过。2013年7月,强生VITROS 5600全自动生化免疫分析仪,正式获得UL全球首张针对医疗实验
摘 要:随着我国经济的飞速发展,我国人们的生活水平得到了很大的改善,网络在我国的使用人数也越来越多,但是,随着大学生的上网的时间的逐渐的增多,网络对大学生的影响也在逐渐的增大,特别是随着网络上的虚假信息和欺诈行为的逐渐的增多,网络对大学生诚信教育的冲击也越来越大,如何保证大学生在使用网络后,仍然保持诚信对人的心态成为高校对大学生诚信教育的重点。本文主要针对网络对大学生诚信教育的冲击进行讨论,并提出