
来源 :中国保安 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zoxn2008
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四月论坛的主题是:在当下《保安服务管理条例》即将出台之际,保安服务业面临哪些亟待解决的问题?2008年初,在全国保安从业者多年的殷切期盼中,《保安服务管理条例(草案)》经国务院法制办发布,并向全社会公开征求意见。尽管这部条例还没有正式出台,但是从草案中透露出的信息,已经让全国保安从业者有了更多的信心和期待。《保安服务管理条例》的出台,将打破部门垄断和地区封锁,将明确保安企业特别是保安员的资格条件和权利,义务,并将对各类保安服务企业和保安队伍提出统一监管要求和处罚规定。逐步走向开放、步入法制化轨道的保安服务业,必将有更美好的未来!但需要看到的是,一部条例解决不了所有的问题。保安服务业的大发展,《保安服务管理条例》的贯彻落实,还都需要一系列有关问题的解决,包括监管,包括现代企业制度的建立,包括持续推进保安队伍职业化进程,包括人们观念的更新、思想的解放,等等。只有洞察、直面保安服务业现存的各种问题,统筹考虑并加以妥善解决,才能保持保安服务业在新形势下又好又快地发展。本期,陕西省公安厅治安局保安处处长、陕西省保安协会秘书长金博学,贵州省公安厅治安总队副总队长、贵州保安协会副会长兼秘书长徐朝中,南通市保安服务总公司总经理严锦华,辽宁警官高等专科学校职业教育部教研室主任、副教授刘山勋,天津经保保安服务有限公司二分公司大队长贾现军,应邀就新形势下妥善解决行业存在的问题,推动保安服务业改革发展进程发表高见。 In April, the theme of the forum was: What are the urgent problems to be solved in the security service industry when the “Security Service Management Regulations” are about to come out? At the beginning of 2008, in the long-awaited hope of the national security practitioners, the Security Services Regulations (Draft) “was released by the Legal Affairs Office of the State Council and publicly solicited opinions from the whole society. Although this regulation has not been officially promulgated, the information disclosed in the draft has given more confidence and expectation to national security practitioners. The promulgation of the ”Regulations on the Administration of Security Services“ will break the monopoly of the departments and the blockade in the region, clarify the qualifications and rights and obligations of security companies, especially security guards, and will put forward unified regulatory requirements and penalties for various types of security service enterprises and security teams Provisions. Gradually opening up and entering the security service industry under the legal system will surely have a better future! What we need to see is that an ordinance can not solve all the problems. The great development of the security service industry and the implementation of the ”Regulations on the Administration of Security Services" also require a series of solutions to the problems, including the establishment of a modern enterprise system, including the continual promotion of the professionalization of the security forces, including the concept of people Update, liberation of ideas, and more. Only through insight into the various existing problems in the security service industry, and overall consideration and proper resolution, can the security service industry maintain its sound and rapid development in the new situation. In this issue, Shaanxi Provincial Public Security Bureau Public Security Bureau Security Branch Director, Shaanxi Provincial Security Association Secretary-General Kim Bo Xue, Guizhou Public Security Bureau Public Security Corps vice captain, Guizhou Security Association Vice President and Secretary General Xu Chaozhong, Nantong Security Services Corporation Yan Jinhua, general manager of Liaoning Police College Vocational Education Department Director, Associate Professor Liu Shanxun, Tianjin Economic Security Services Co., Ltd. two branch chief Jia Xianjun, was invited to properly solve the existing problems in the new situation to promote security services reform and development process Post high opinion.
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