Photonic band structures of quadrangular multiconnected networks

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:charles_y_tang
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By means of the network equation and generalized dimensionless Floquet-Bloch theorem,this paper investigates the properties of the band number and width for quadrangular multiconnected networks (QMNs) with a different number of connected waveguide segments (NCWSs) and various matching ratio of waveguide length (MRWL).It is found that all photonic bands are wide bands when the MRWL is integer.If the integer attribute of MRWL is broken,narrow bands will be created from the wide band near the centre of band structure.For two-segment-connected networks and three-segment-connected networks,it obtains a series of formulae of the band number and width.On the other hand,it proposes a so-called concept of two-segment-connected quantum subsystem and uses it to discuss the complexity of the band structures of QMNs.Based on these formulae,one can dominate the number,width and position of photonic bands within designed frequencies by adjusting the NCWS and MRWL.There would be potential applications for designing optical switches,optical narrow-band filters,dense wavelength-division-multiplexing devices and other correlative waveguide network devices. By means of the network equation and generalized dimensionless Floquet-Bloch theorem, this paper investigates the properties of the band number and width for quadrangular multiconnected networks (QMNs) with a different number of connected waveguide segments (NCWSs) and various matching ratio of waveguide length (MRWL) .It is found that all photonic bands are wide bands when the MRWL is integer. If the integer attribute of MRWL is broken, narrow bands will be created from the wide band near the center of band structure. For two-segment- connected networks and three-segment-connected networks, it obtains a series of formulae of the band number and width. On the other hand, it proposes a so-called concept of two-segment-connected quantum subsystem and uses it to discuss the complexity of the band structures of QMNs.Based on these formulae, one can dominate the number, width and position of photonic bands within designed frequencies by adjusting the NCWS and MRWL.There would be potential applications for designing optical switches, optical narrow-band filters, dense wavelength-division-multiplexing devices and other correlative waveguide network devices.
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