The management of patients with the short bowe syndrome

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:k413287823
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The surgeon is invariably the primary specialist involvedin managing patients with short bowel syndrome.Becauseof this they will play an important role in co.ordinating themanagement of these patients.The principal aims at theinitial surgery are to preserve life,then to preserve gutlength,and maintain its continuity.In the immediatepostoperative period,there needs to be a balancebetween keeping the patient alive through the use of TPNand antisecretory agents and promoting gut adaptationwith the use of oral nutrition.If the gut fails to adaptduring this period,then the patient may require therapywith more specific agents to promote gut adaptation suchas growth factors and glutamine.If following this,thepatient still has a short gut syndrome,then the principaloptions remain either long term TPN,or intestinaltransplantation which remains a difficult and challengingprocedure with a high mortality and morbidity due torejection. The surgeon is invariably the primary specialist involvedin managing patients with short bowel syndrome.Becauseof this they will play an important role in co.ordinating the management of these patients. The principal aims at theinitial surgery are to preserve life, then to preserve gutlength, and maintain its continuity. the continuity of the immediate postoperative period, there needs to be a balance between, the needs of a balanced survival of the patient through promoting the use of TPN and antisecretory agents and promoting gut adaptation with the use of oral nutrition. If the gut fails to adapting this period, then the patient may require therapy with more specific agents to promote gut adaptation suchas growth factors and glutamine. If following this, thepatient still has a short gut syndrome, then the principaloptions remains either long term TPN, or intestinal transplantation plant which remains a difficult and challengingprocedure with a high mortality and morbidity due tojection .
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