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本文介绍了时分复用延迟线可控二阶递归滤波器组的工作原理,得出了与理论计算相吻合的实验结果,讨论了实现同一种算法的两种结构,还估计了由数模乘法器(MDAC)系数误差引起的滤波器中心频率和带宽的变化。此外,在考虑环路增益、不完全转移效率和延时线结构中单元数目的情况下详细讨论了滤波器的窜扰,并提出了克服窜扰的一种措施。最后还介绍了改进波器组的性能。 This paper introduces the working principle of time-multiplexed delay line controllable second-order recursive filter bank, and obtains the experimental results which are in good agreement with the theoretical calculation. The two structures that implement the same algorithm are discussed, (MDAC) coefficient error caused by the filter center frequency and bandwidth changes. In addition, considering the loop gain, the incomplete transfer efficiency and the number of elements in the delay line structure, the interference of the filter is discussed in detail and a measure to overcome the interference is proposed. Finally, the performance of the improved filter bank is also introduced.
养成倾诉的习惯    把脑袋清空,好事情就会随之而来了。一项研究显示,HIV(人类免疫缺陷病毒的简称,即艾滋病毒)携带者每天花30分钟写下自己的忧虑,坚持4天后,非但他们体内的病毒数明显减少,抗感染T细胞也增加了。在另一项研究中,乳癌患者如果乐意向他人倾诉自己的病情,她们因为并发症就医的次数就会少一些。  尝试太极冥想练习  练习太极对人体健康有着诸多益处:一方面能够舒筋活络、锻炼肌肉;另一方面,
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