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9月22日,奥斯卡学院主席谢丽尔·布恩·艾萨克等5位奥斯卡评委,莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥、妮可·基德曼、约翰·特拉沃尔塔、凯瑟琳·泽塔·琼斯、克里斯托弗·瓦尔兹、凯特·贝金赛尔、伊万·麦克格雷格等世界著名电影人,以及章子恰、李连杰、梁朝伟、甄子丹、赵薇、黄晓明等华人著名影星从世界各地赶赴青岛参加青岛影视产业园的启动仪式,并出席当晚“星耀之夜”红毯活动,使得还在酝酿中的青岛国际电影节提前显露出它的国际风范。青岛是一座美丽的海滨城市,是中国的帆船之部、音乐之岛,更是一座影视之城。青岛与电影有着特殊的渊源,是西方电影进入中国最早的城市之一。青岛享有“天然摄影棚”、“影视明星的摇篮”等美誉。近年来,青岛创办了中国国产电影交易会,集聚了中国电影金凤凰奖、北京电影学院等一批影视节会和院校,影视文化产业逐步成为青岛文化产 On September 22, five Academy Award judges, Leonardo DiCaprio, Nicole Kidman, John Travolta, Cheryl Boone Isaac, chairman of the Academy, Catherine Zeta Jones, Christopher Waltz, Kate Beckinsale, Ivan McGregor and other world famous filmmakers, as well as Zhang Zichang, Jet Li, Tony Leung, Donnie Yen, Vicki Zhao, Huang Xiaoming and other famous Chinese movie stars from the world Rushed to Qingdao to participate in the Qingdao Industrial Park, the start of the ceremony, and attended the night “Star Night ” red carpet activities, making the still in the Qingdao International Film Festival revealed its international style ahead of schedule. Qingdao is a beautiful coastal city, China’s sailing department, music island, but also a city of film and television. Qingdao has a special origins with the movie and is one of the earliest western cities to enter China. Qingdao enjoys the reputation of “natural studio ”, “the cradle of movie stars ” and so on. In recent years, Qingdao has established China-made movie fair, gathered a number of film and television festivals and institutions such as the Beijing Film Academy Golden Phoenix Award, the Beijing Film Academy, film and television culture industry has gradually become Qingdao cultural production
Atherosclerotic coronary artery disease(CAD) comprises a broad spectrum of clinical entities that include asymptomatic subclinical atherosclerosis and its clini