中国共产党成立90周年暨人民兵工创建80周年·系列之一 从星星之火到钢铁洪流——中国红色兵工厂巡礼(上)

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中国共产党成立后,于1927年创建了人民军队。有军队就要有武器,有武器就要有兵工厂。1931年10月,我党领导下的第一个综合型兵工厂建立,由此人民兵工进入实质性的发展历史时期。在中国共产党成立90周年、人民兵工创建80周年之际,本刊特组织系列文章追忆红色兵工厂的发展。本文首先对新中国成立前各历史时期的红色兵工厂作一巡礼——向读者展示从土地革命时期到解放战争时期中国共产党创建和发展壮大的主要兵工厂。这些兵工厂的详细情况我刊将陆续推出,敬请关注! After the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, the People’s Army was founded in 1927. Armed forces must have weapons, and weapons must have arsenals. In October 1931, the first integrated arsenal under the leadership of our party was established. As a result, the people’s military workers entered a period of substantive development. At the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party and the 80th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Armed Forces, a series of articles have been organized in this series to recall the development of the Red Army Arsenal. This paper first pays a tribute to the red arsenals of various historical periods before the founding of New China - to show the readers the main arsenal that the Chinese Communist Party created and expanded from the period of the Agrarian Revolutionary War to the liberation war. The details of these arsenals I will be published one after another, so stay tuned!
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太平洋上空的关东军航测队    笔者手中有一册抗日战争中缴获的侵华日军《航空写真测量》,1941年由“满洲航空株式会社”出版,它使笔者联想起当年驻屯我国东北的日本关东军第一航空写真班。  1944年美军攻占塞班岛之后,新闻记者出身的美国情报专家拉·法拉戈发现被歼日军的两个师团隶属于关东军,于是他查阅日军的战斗序列,发现太平洋战场包括瓜达尔卡纳尔岛在内的许多岛屿上都有关东军的部队。他断定美国海军情报
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