湖州市南浔镇自古以来就是江南名镇,北与江苏吴江市相邻,有京抗运河、318国道穿境而过,交通便利,商贸发达。改革开放以来,这里外来人口骤然增多,给社会治安管理造成很大压力。仅1996、1997两年,发生在南浔镇的各类刑事案件413起,占整个南浔区发案总数的61%。1997年下半年以来,南浔派出所根据公安部的指示,加大了派出所改革的力度,以建立一区一警,落实岗位目标责任制为契机,调整工作重心,强化防范机制,已初步达到了“发率少,秩序好,群众满意”的工作目标。今年1—4月刑事发案数比去年同期下降了28.5%,他们的主要经验有3条: 一、实行外来暂住人口和私房出租管理的7个转变。1.管理机制由静态管理向动态管理转变;2.管理手段由手工登记建档向微机操作转变;3.管理办法从抓登记办证向落实房屋出租户管理责任制转变;4.暂住人口居住南分散居住向公
Nanxun Town of Huzhou City has been a famous town in southern China since ancient times. It is adjacent to Wujiang City in the north and has a Beijing-Anti-Canal. It has convenient transportation and developed commerce and commerce. Since the reform and opening up, the number of immigrants here has suddenly increased, putting great pressure on the administration of public order. In 1996 and 1997 alone, 413 criminal cases of all kinds occurred in Nanxun Town, accounting for 61% of the total number of the crimes in Nanxun District. Since the second half of 1997, according to instructions of the Ministry of Public Security, Nanxun police station has stepped up efforts to reform the police station. Taking the opportunity of setting up a district-by-district police and implementing the post responsibility system as the objective, Nanxun police station has adjusted its focus of work and strengthened the prevention mechanism, “Less fat rate, good order, the masses are satisfied with” the work objectives. The number of criminal offenses in January-April this year dropped by 28.5% over the same period of last year. There are three main experiences of them: First, seven changes have been implemented in the management of foreign temporary residents and private rental houses. 1. Management mechanism from the static management to the dynamic management of change; 2. Management tools from the manual registration file to the computer operation changes; 3. Management measures from the registration certificate to implement the responsibility system for the management of rental households shift; 4. Temporary resident living South scattered residence to the public