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烹调的意义烹调须在:营养素的损失最少,外形美观,味调佳良等条件下使食品变成食物。当然食品经过了烹调也达到了消毒的目的。1.烹调的目的在提高食品的营养价值和增高吸收率,然一般的烹凋方法多使食品营养成分受到损失,故必需以营养知识使损失降低到最小限度。2.外形美观,是为了调配色彩、形状、诱发食慾,封食慾不好的病人及没有味质经验的幼儿尤为重要的。3.调味,按着不同种类的食物,发挥食物的固有味调,如甜、酸、苦、辣、咸菜的配合、白糖与食盐、酱油与醋配合起来,更能使味质锐敏。调味与季节关联较大,一般夏季嗜好脂肪少,淡白的,冬季则以富於脂肪浓稠者为宜。又如按季节之不同适当调配,如春天苦味、夏天酸味、秋天辣味、冬天咸味及四季均适的甜味等。4.注意上列諸项,实行炖、炒、熬、炸等 The significance of cooking Cooking must be: the least loss of nutrients, beautiful appearance, good taste and other conditions make the food into food. Of course, after cooking food has reached the purpose of disinfection. 1. The purpose of cooking is to increase the nutritional value of food and increase the absorption rate, but in general the cooking methods often make the loss of food nutrients, it is necessary to reduce the loss of nutrition knowledge to a minimum. 2. Beautiful appearance, is to allocate color, shape, appetite, poor appetite patients and no taste of the experience of young children is particularly important. 3. seasoning, according to different types of food, play the inherent flavor of food, such as sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, pickles with sugar, salt and soy sauce, soy sauce and vinegar together, but also to make sharp taste sharp. Seasoning seasonally associated with the larger, the general preference for summer less fat, white, rich in winter is rich in fat is appropriate. Another example is the deployment of different seasons, such as spring bitter, summer sour, autumn spicy, winter salty and four seasons are suitable sweetness. 4. Note the above items, the implementation of stew, fried, boil, fried and so on
进行了七种气态及挥发性化学物质的诱变试验,其中环氧乙烷(Ethylene Oxide),环氧氯丙烷(Epichlorohydrin)、重氮甲烷(Azimethylene)、氯乙烯(Vinyl Chloride)、丙烯腈(Acrylonitrile)、氯丙烯(Chlropropene)在有或无肝微粒体酶激活系统参加下,分别对鼠伤寒沙门氏菌TA系列菌种TA1535、TA100产生诱变作用,结果为阳性。
夏新最新推出的PDVD-V8移动DVD播放机不仅轻薄、小巧、便携性能突出,而且它的功能选项丰富,操控也非常便利。 Amoi PDVD-V8 mobile DVD player is not only slim, compact,
  Poly(glycidyl methacrylate) microspheres (PGMA) with micron size were synthesized by dispersion polymerization method.Through two-step reactions with ethyle