Photostabilizing effects of singlet oxygen quenchers on long chain cyanine dyes

来源 :Science in China(Series B) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangxd
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The total rate constants of the reaction of six antioxidants with singlet oxygen were measuredby fluorospectroscopy,and the effects of these antioxidants on the photostability of the dyes were alsoinvestigated kinetically.The results reveal that the six antioxidants are the effective quenchers of singlet oxygen(~1O_2)and can increase the photostability of the dyes.The power of metal chelates to quench ~1O_2 is thestrongest,and the chelates show the most effects on the photostability of the dyes.The photostability of thedyes has something to do with the relative amount of the antioxidant used. The total rate constants of the reaction of six antioxidants with singlet oxygen were measured by fluorospectroscopy, and the effects of these antioxidants on the photostability of the dyes were also investigated in kinetically. The results reveal that the six antioxidants are the effective quenchers of singlet oxygen (~ 1O_2 ) and can increase the photostability of the dyes. the power of metal chelates to quench ~ 1O_2 is thestrongest, and the chelates show the most effects on the photostability of the dyes. photostability of thedyes has something to do with the relative amount of the antioxidant used.
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