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如同在看一段黑白画面的电影,主角是他和她。这是个画面感太强的故事,没有情节,没有开始,没有结束,有的是旁观者内心零碎的敏感和画面黑白的质感,衬托了故事的发生、延续,以及最后没有结尾的结束。内心的独白,跳跃的镜头, 作者对文字天生的敏锐和把握,以细腻敏感的笔触描写了两个少年颓废而清醒的心事。他们的如风情缘,他们的焦灼和空虚,和他们漂泊在城市边缘的梦想。我们很难用言语表达阅读的感受,只能说在这些句子的飞跃中找到一种与众不同的感觉,充满了精辟与悲凉。既伤且凉,始终是一条喝着凉水的鱼,是冷是暖,惟有自知。寂寞地眷恋和想念着一个人,就像留恋我们无可言喻的生之欢喜和苍凉。但不要走得太远,忘记回来的路。 Like watching a black and white picture, the protagonist is him and her. This is a picture that is too strong. There is no plot, no beginning, no end. Some are the sensibilities of the bystanders and the black and white texture of the picture, setting off the occurrence and continuation of the story, and finally ending without ending. The inner monologue, the lens of jumping, the author’s innate keenness and understanding of the text, and the delicate and sensitive brushstrokes depict the decadent and sober minds of the two youngsters. Their loveliness, their anxieties and emptiness, and their dreams of drifting on the edge of the city. It is difficult for us to use words to express our feelings of reading. We can only say that we find a different feeling in the leap of these sentences, full of insights and desolation. Injured and cool, it is always a fish drinking cold water. It is cold and warm. It only knows. Lonely attachment and thinking about a person is like a yearning for our indescribable joy and desolate life. But don’t go too far and forget the way back.
DNS是Domain Name System的缩写,翻成中文来讲,就是“领域名称系统”,在一个TCP/IP架构的网路(例如 Internet)环境中,DNS是一个非常重要而且常用的系统。主要的功能就是将人
如果说,“三国文化”记襄樊闻名遐尔,那么,名噪古城的基础教育名校襄樊市襄城实验小学(以下简称“襄城实验小学”)则为古城襄樊教育锦上添花。 If we say that the “Three
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